Chapter 17

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After long time, I slept well without any dreams waking me up in middle of night. It's like something was protecting me.

The warm breath on my neck woke me up. I opened my eyes slowly. It took time to adjust my vision. It was blurry due to sleep. My room was bright from sun ray scattering from the window.

I couldn't move. Someone has wrapped their arm around my waist hugging me from behind. I panicked for a sec forgetting who is beside me, but then I remembered yesterday's incident. I turned around to find him sleeping soundly. My heart started fluttering. I raised my hand to touch his cheek. It woke him up. He again snaked his arms around my waist and said "Why are you up so early? We still got time."

"I don't think, we have much..." I said peeking behind Macau to check the time. My eyes widen realizing we don't have time to even have breakfast. I pushed him away and got up screaming "We are late!"

Macau lost balance and fell from the bed landing on the floor with a thud.


"W-Well, good morning to you too." Macau said groaning in pain.

I didn't mean to push him that hard.

"I am sorry." I said helping him get up.

"It's okay. But don't make it your habit."

"Go get ready. We only have half an hour to reach college." I said pushing him towards door.

"Ok. Wait for me. I will take you." He said.

"Ok." I said closing the door behind him.

We got ready as soon as possible and left for college. We literally ran to our class and managed to reach to class there before professor. I slumped down on seat beside Krit panting trying to bring my heavy breathing back to normal pace.

"Are you ok?" Krit asked fanning me with a book. Sweat was trickling down from my forehead.

"I am..." I said in breathy voice.

"I called you this morning, but you didn't pick up."

"I slept till late."

Krit was about to ask me another question, but professor came.

I was not able to concentrate throughout the class. My eyes kept travelling towards Macau and to my surprise he was also staring at me. It gave me butterfly in stomach. He used to look at me with straight face and blank eyes, but now his face not so stiff and his eyes help little softness.

Earlier when we were driving to college, my thoughts were going back to last night. I was expecting for him to ask me questions like, why did I react like that? Or who was I talking about? Not even last night. I am embarrassed about last night. But if he does ask me someday, I don't know, what am I supposed to do?

However, I was relived to get the little bit pressure off of my chest. I feel better by speaking out loud about my feelings and someone was there to listen to me. My head is telling me to be careful around him and keep it to myself. But my heart is telling me to give him a chance and trust him. I don't know what I am going to do?

"Everyone pay attention college is going to organise a trip. Whoever interested please fill this form and submit it to me." Professor said putting bunch of forms on table and walked out of the classroom.

People got up to get forms and some of them stayed on their desk to discuss.

"Chay, you want to go to trip?" Krit asked.

"Yeah, I want the change of scenario."

"Are you and Macau ok?... I mean after yesterday's fight?" Krit asked hesitantly.

All I Need Is Love (Macau & Porschay)Where stories live. Discover now