Chapter 4

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I stood in front of the main gate of college with the excitement and nervousness. I turned around and saw bodyguards were still outside. They are waiting for me to walk inside. Hia asked P' Arm and P' Pol to send me to college. He wanted to drop me on my first day, but something came up. He also wanted to appoint a permanent bodyguard for me, but I denied. I understand his concern about my safety, but it's too much. Even though, I am getting used to it. But it's still makes me feel uneasy sometimes. And now, I live in dorm and it could make people feel uncomfortable as well.

I waved at them and walked inside taking deep breath to calm myself and relax my stiff shoulders. The premises of college is beautiful. Students were walking past me to get to their classes. The sound of their chatter and laughter fell on my ears. Some of them were in groups, teasing and pushing each other. Watching them have fun spread smile on my face.

I was looking around for class of freshmen without paying attention and bumped into a body. My bag fell on the floor. I stumbled back a little. My eyes fell on the familiar figure in front of me. It was Macau.

He had irritated expression on his face. P' Pete told me, Macau has chosen business as his major. But I was not expecting to see him here. I thought, he would study abroad. Maybe it's good thing to have someone familiar.

"Oh, I am sorry." I said picking up his bag.

"Watch where you going?" he said rudely.

"I said sorry. I didn't do it on purpose." I spoke in calm manner. He looked at me up and down and chuckled. He snatched his bag out of my hand and walked away.

"Wait! Do you know, where is first year class?" I asked.

"Open your eyes. It's right in front of you, you fool."

I looked behind him. He was right. It was right in front of me.

"Thank you so mu...."

Before I could thank him, he walked inside the class. Doesn't he remember me? I mean, we didn't talk to each other. But I am sure, he knows me.

I went inside the class and looked around for seat. There were two seats available in front. But one was beside Macau and another was in front of him. Macau was giving me look as if say "If you dare to sit beside me, the consequence will be really bad.". So, I decided to sit in front.

Our class started. It was our first day so, they didn't teach us much. It was like an introduction of the subject. The teachers were good, but not all of them. Some of them looked strict. When we were done with classes senior called us.

Before taking admission, Hia made sure there is no Sotus system here. But they do take some friendly activities to make bond between seniors and juniors stronger. First, we introduce ourself. While introducing we had to do some silly stuff like say dialogue or tag line, dancing, singing, etc.

When it was my turn, I sang few lines of song. That's the only talent I got. Everyone liked it and clapped for me. I went back to my place.

"Wow, that was amazing. You sang very well." A guy beside me said.

"Thank you." I said and smiled.

We became acquaint with each other. His name is Krit and we live in same dorm. He told me his room is on same floor as mine.

Now, it was Macau's turn. He introduced himself and told some information about his school. I was talking to Krit so, I didn't hear him clearly. He put mic away on the side and begin to stretch.

Is he going to dance?

He walked backward on the left side and stopped. He ran forward and did a flip in air. That stunned everyone. And then his did aerial cartwheel, front flip, back flip and so much more. People were cheering for him.

"Wow. This guy is so cool." Krit whispered in my ear.

"Yeah. He is cool." I said clapping for him.


After the activities, we were feeling hungry. So, we went to canteen. I was going through to menu. I couldn't decide what to get for myself.

"Do you want omelet and rice? Krit asked.

It reminded me of P' Kim. It was the first dish, I made for him.

"No. I am going to get something else."

"If you are not going to order, then move."

A voice came from behind.

Macau was standing behind us. His hands were in his pockets and deadpan face. He was waiting us to move.

"But we came here first" Krit chimed.

Macau didn't even look at him. He kept staring at me.

"It's ok Krit. Let him order first." I grabbed his hand and pulled him towards me. Krit kept babbling. Macau placed his order.

"Your stunts were amazing."

"You don't have to talk to me or pretend to be nice to me."

"I am not pretending. I am just complimenting you.

He looked at me blankly.

"Thanks." He said in flat tone and picked up his plate to go sit on table with his friends.

"I thought he was cool, but not anymore. What does he think of himself? He is so rude."

"He is not that bad." I said and pat Krit on his back.

"You are talking like you know him."

I didn't reply and placed my order. For some reason, I didn't want him to know about us. I think, it's better this way. If he finds out, I will explain it to him.

We finished eating and was about leave for dorm. But Krit got call and he said, he had to go.


I reached my dorm and parked my car. P' Kin gave me one of his old cars. He was insisting to buy me a new one, but I refused. The one, I am driving right now doesn't look old. It's in great condition.

The lift is about to close so, I screamed to stop. The door closed. I guess, I have to wait. But then it opened again. The person who stopped the lift is Macau.

"Are you kidding me?" Macau said.

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