Chapter 36

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Another weekend came, and I was getting ready to go to main house for training. This time Macau won't come. He had to go to minor house. He was going to stay there so I decided to stay a night at main house. Hia said he wants to have dinner with me and this time he promised he won't ditch me like last time and spend time with me.

I arrived at training room and began to do warm ups. P'Kim haven't come yet. He messaged me he will get late. By the time I was done with warm up he came.

"Where is Macau?" Kim asked as he see I was alone.

"He is not coming today. He had to go to minor house." I saw tiny smile on his face.

"Good. I don't have to look at his ugly face."

"Watch your mouth." I warned him.

"Let's get started." He ignored my response.

He taught me defence moves.

Everything was going well but today I felt like Kim was getting to close to me. He was literally all over me. I was getting uncomfortable. I tried to put distance between us, but he would close the gap. I was waiting for this class to end desperately. Today he took practice for extra few minutes.

"P'Kim, can we stop here? I am too tired." I finally spoke up.


I went to get my stuff to go back to my room. I picked up my bag and turn around to see P'Kim standing behind me.

"Hey.... Want to go get something to eat?"

"Umm... No, I have to go and work on assignment." I lied.

"Come on Chay... It's just lunch..... Do you hate me so much that you can't even have lunch with me?"

I didn't want to be too rude.

"Fine. Let's have lunch."

We went to restaurant on the third floor on the building. Hia once told me they have sauna on some floor. I never used it. Main house has every kind of facilities. It's crazy.

While eating I kept my eyes on my plate and avoid looking at him. I wanted to finish eating quickly and get out of here.

"Do you like it?" He asked referring to food in front of me.

"Yeah, It's good."

"If you like something else let me know."

"No. I am good."

"I heard you are staying here tonight. Do you want to watch movie together?"

"I can't. I promised to spend time with Hia."

"Then how abou-"

"Phi please can you stop?" I said interrupting him mid-sentence. I have to be firm with him. I can't let him mess with our relationship and make Macau feel miserable.

"We both know what you are trying to do and it's not going to work. You need to understand Macau and I are in a relationship. We love each other. We are happy with each other."

P'Kim looked at me and stayed silent for few seconds before giving me a sad smile.

"I know.... I saw." He said in small voice like it's hurting him inside.

"What do you mean?"

"Couple of days ago I saw you and him in restaurant. You guys look happy together. I knew at that moment that I have lost you completely. There is no chance for me. I didn't want to believe it.... However, I wanted to give it one last try."

All I Need Is Love (Macau & Porschay)Where stories live. Discover now