Chapter 24

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Ever since, I came back from our trip, I unable to stay still. I want to be near Chay. I am running out of reasons to go to his room. It's driving me crazy. I want to touch him, feel him, hold him in my arms. It's like I got addicted to him. I crave him. If I don't get him. I will lose my mind. This is happening to me first time. I didn't understand at first. But thank God Mike put some sense into me.


Some medical students asked me to help them with medical supply. So, I went to put it in supply room. Doctor Tops was there checking the medicine to make sure they are not expired. He saw me with the heavy boxes and offered to help me. He was putting a box on the shelf. He was standing on the small stool. The leg of stool broke and he lost balance. I ran forward to catch him and at the same time we heard couple of footsteps approaching our way. We both turn our head to see my friends standing at the door gaping at us. I saw Chay turn around and walked away. I wanted to run after him to explain the situation.

But why do I need to explain anything?

I helped Doctor Tops on his feet and went out to go after Chay, but Mike stopped me by grabbing my arm.

"Wait, we need to talk." He said firmly and dragged me away from there.

"What is going on?" He asked with his hands folded in front of his chest.

"What do you mean?" I asked confused.

"I am talking about you and Doctor Tops."



"Yes. He is my doctor. I was helping him."

"Ok, then you need to explain everything to Chay."

"Why do I need to do that?"

"Are you stupid or just clueless?"

"I don't understand. What are you trying to say?"

"Fine. I'll be straightforward. Do you like Chay?"

"What? No."

"So, you don't like Chay."

"No, I don't." His expression changed to relived as I said that.

"That's great. I was holding myself back all this time thinking you liked him."

When he said that I felt a pang in my chest. I clenched my jaw to hold myself from spurting something nonsense. I didn't like what Mike was saying.

"What?" I said trying to control my breathing.

"Yeah. I like him. He is beautiful, innocent and soft. Now that I know you don't like him, I can make move on him. Who knows? Maybe he will like me back and I'll get to sleep-"

Before he could complete that sentence, I grabbed him by his collar.

"Don't you dare fu*king touch him or else I'll forget that you are my friend."

"Why? You said you didn't like him. Now, what happened?" He said with smirk.

I let him go still glaring at him. Is he fu*king with me?

"You are the smartest guy I know. Don't be so dumb Macau. I have known you for a long time. You wouldn't react like this if he didn't mean anything to you. You wouldn't care. But, look at you. You were about to punch me."

He continued.

"I don't like Chay as you think. He is a sweet guy. You have been with other people before. But you never spared them second look after having sex with them. I have never intervened in your life. This time I did it because after meeting Chay you changed. For better. You smile more. You look happy. Your eyes are always finding him. And I know if Chay walked out of your life, you will go back to being your reserved self. Maybe become even worse."

All I Need Is Love (Macau & Porschay)Where stories live. Discover now