stay the night?

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Tuesday 7am

I woke up and I instantly got up and got in the shower. I didn't get a chance to shower when I got home yesterday as it was around 12am when I got home. So I was gross and sweaty. While I was in the shower I was blasting oasis songs singing along until about 30 mins I got out the shower and got dressed into some comfy shorts and a baggy T-shirt. After getting dressed I sat on my bed brushing my hair grabbing my phone and scrolling through Instagram when I see Dominik had posted something on his sorry about 1 hour ago. And it was a selfie of himself at the gym.

i liked it and replied to the story saying: "Guapo ❤️"

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i liked it and replied to the story saying: "Guapo ❤️". I smiled looking at the picture then remembering we had our date today. i had no clue where we was going but all i knew was Dominik was picking me up from my house and we was driving somewhere.

i placed my phone done but within 2 minutes i had an incoming facetime call from dominik.

—— call —— dom. kiera

Heyy dom

hey mamacita

shut up with that name laughs

smiles okay okay i'll stop. But how are you?

im okay thank you, how are you?

i'm good thank you. I'm excited for our date tonight i have something very nice planned. And before you ask no im not telling you where we are going. It's a surprise.

rolls eyes sighing ugh fine okay. But im excited as well!

Good i was hoping you would be. Also just for now I was wondering do you want this whole daring thing to be a secret unless if it becomes serious?

Yeah I think it's for the best. As I don't want people to ruin things yanno.

Nods I'm glad you said that as i was going to say the same thing. Right I'm sorry I've liked talking to you but I need to go a sort some things out. I'll pick you up later at 6pm?

See you at 6 Dom. Hangs up.

—— end of call ——

I place my phone down smiling then turning the tv to watch stuff and chill until you needed to get ready.

—— time skip ——

I'm in my room sitting at my vanity doing my make up. I had a million butterflies as I got ready. Dominik was so nice and handsome... And I was going on a date with him! Ive finished doing my make up and stand up getting dressed. I put on this beautiful black dress and some black heels

 I put on this beautiful black dress and some black heels

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I walked over to my long mirror smiling then grabbing a little black handbag to put my phone and card in

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I walked over to my long mirror smiling then grabbing a little black handbag to put my phone and card in. I fixed my hair then hearing a knock at my door. I walked to my door opening it to see Dominik. Damn he looked HOT. He was wearing a black shirt with the sleeves rolled up, wrist chain, black Jordan's and a gold chain around his neck. I smiled at him as I just saw him kind of stoning there smiling.

Dominik POV.

I arrived at Kiera's house. I was so excited for this date. Kiera was unreal, her beauty, passion, personality just everything about her was perfect. I slowly walked up to her front door then knocking placing my hand in my front pockets waiting for her to answer the door. I see the door opening and I see her. Omg. She looked stunning. Her beauty made my jaw drop. How did I manage to get her to like me? I mean I wasn't complaining but I was shocked ! She so pretty. I smiling at her just lining arms with her walking to my car opening the door for her. She goes in and sits down so I shut the door then walking around to the other side opening the door beginning to drive to our destination.

—— date destination ——

——Kiera's POV——
We arrived at the destination and Dominik parked the car then step out walking t my door and opening it for me "And we are here" he says shutting the car door locking it. We are at some restaurant. It looked like a pretty fancy restaurant and I hadn't been here before so I didn't know what to expect. I looked at Dominik and he has his hand held out so I hold his hand and we begin to walk into the restaurant. When we walk in Dominic checks in and we walk to our table sitting down. I just start looking around at how god damn fancy it was and Dominik start laughing. I look at him smiling "Whattt?" i ask and he just shakes his head smiling "You're looking around as if this was the white house." He says jokingly and i just roll my eyes jokingly "well you took me to some fancy ass restaurant. i've never been somewhere like this."

Dominik places his hand out gesturing for me to hold it and of course i do. A Waiter soon comes over and he ordered me some wine and for himself he got some water as he was driving. And we also ordered our food. I got a cheesy pasta and he got chicken fingers the child. But we began to just chat about wwe and little moments in our live ethan was interesting. After about 40 minutes we got our food and ate it still chatting about wwe and potential promos we could do. After about 2 hours we dismiss all our food and we get the bill and Dominik pays for me. After paying we walk out the restaurant going back to his car and we drive to my place.

Once we arrived i kissed Dominik then getting out of the car beginning to walk off when i lauds and turn around walking back to the car. "call me crazy but i don't want tonight to end so... do you perhaps want to stay the night?" i ask sort of hesitantly as i don't know if he was gunna think i was weird or not. But he instantly turned his car off jumping it a locking it. "of course i would but i'm gunna be searching through that closet of yours as i'm not sleeping in these clothes." i nod unlocking my front door walking inside and Dom follows

Guapo (dominik mysterio x OC)Where stories live. Discover now