la puta

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It was now around 6pm and me and Dominik was still upstairs in Doms room chilling. We was on his bed cuddling watching tiktok on my phone as Dominik refuses to get tiktok even though i told him he should.

there was a knock at the door and Dominik instantly stands up walking to his bedroom door unlocking it and opening it. It was Oscar. So Dominik let him walk in. And as Oscar walked in he sat down at the edge of his bed. "Mama said dinners ready so you need to come downstairs" Oscar stated smiling so we both stood up beginning to walk downstairs but as i was walking downstairs i heard Oscar and Dominik talking. "hijo, Por qué estabas discutiendo con tu hermana?" Oscar asked and Dominik rolled his eyes looking back at Oscar "ella dijo que kiera era solo una fan obsesionada y que en realidad no le gustaba. Y es jodidamente cabreado" Oscar nodding then beginning to carry on heading down stairs.

I was already sitting down at the table with Angie and Alayah when Dom and Oscar walked in. Oscar smiled sitting down next to Angie and Dominik smiled at me kissing me on the cheek then sitting down next to me. I smile beginning to eat my food. "wow Angie this is amazing." I state looking at Angie smiling and she nods her head smiling "thank you kiera. See Hijo, things that aren't chicken strips are still good." Everyone shares a laugh together other than Alayah she's just sat in front of me staring. I see Angie look over at her and Alayah looks at her back. Angie gives her the eyes that is telling her to stop. So rolls her eyes putting on a fake smile looking over at me. "So Kiera how long have you known Dominik?" She asks and i look up confused but answering "Well i had heard of him for a while but not really properly knew him till like 1 month ago i don't know." i state and Alayah then scoffs leaning forwards "cute, does any of your family know about Dominik?" I shake my head looking down a little bit avoiding eye contact "only my brother. That's it" Alayah raises brow then leaning back on her chair. "well don't you think you should tell them. As he's your boyfriend and you guys properly like each-other. Or perhaps just turn up with Dominik at your family's house as i'm pretty sure they won't mind it. As you don't seem to mind just showing up and no one knowing who you are." I drop my cutlery scoffing rolling my eyes and Dominik instantly shouts "Alayah stop! She hasn't done anything wrong but out of it" I bite the side of my cheek as at this point i just wanted to throw myself at her. But obviously i couldn't as i would get kicked off wwe, loose my license. My whole life would be crushed. So i just sat quiet buying my tongue

Alayah leans forward looking at Oscar and Angie who are giving her the evils and states "Dios mío, probablemente sea una fan obsesionada o una chica rara que solo quiere algo de reconocimiento debido a su triste y aburrida vida. Ella quiere un título público ya que nadie la conoce y está usando a Dominik. Lo siento, soy el único al que le importa." Hearing that made me snap i was sick and tired of this bullshit. So i stand up slamming my hands down on the table and leaning towards Alayah who's looking at me. "escúchame pequeña la puta. Primero, hablo español, así que sé lo que estás diciendo. En segundo lugar, no estoy usando a Dominik, realmente me gusta. Somos felices juntos, así que todo este caos que estás creando no es necesario. Y por ultimo soy un wwe wrestler idiot ya tengo un titulo. Y mal conocida como Kiera Rollins por el resto de mi vida. Pero solo serás conocida como la hija de Rey mysterio." Everyone looks at me staying quiet and so i lean back brushing my hands down my top. "the food was nice thank you Angie but i think i need to go, i'm sorry.." I state running away from the dining table to the front door. But Dominik ran after me and stopped me "oh dios mio mi amor. Look i'm sorry for my sister i should've told her about us before because she constantly thinks everyone is using me. I know she means well. But it doesn't excuse her actions." Dominik states and i look up at him with a tear in my eye "Well i'm sorry my day was going well but she's completely ruined it. And everything she said fucking sucked. As she's not the only one who's says shit like that. I have people saying i'm just using Colby to get a public title and seem good at wrestling. Even my dad thinks that." Dominik sighs pulling me into a hug i hug him back nestling my head into his chest "i can take you home if you want." Dominik states in a sympathetic way and i look up at him shaking my head " Maybe we could fix this?". I state meaning it as i felt this whole thing was stupid and really dramatic for no reason and i really didn't want to fall out with my boyfriend's girlfriend at all.

Dominik nods and we head back to the dining room "look i don't take back what i said Alayah i stan by what i said. But then i don't want to fall out with my boyfriend's sister on the first day of meeting her and his family. Other than Oscar. But i was hoping we could try and out this behind us.." I state smiling a little and Alayah nods smiling and walking over to me "I'm really sorry Kiera. I'm really am i guess i'm just little over protective of my brother." She's states holding her arms out for a hug. And i nod smiling hugging her. We quickly broke the hug and Dominik then looks at me "wait did we all just forget the fact you just shouted at Alayah in spanish? i'm sorry i'm supposed to be your Boyfriend and i didn't know you speak spanish?" I laugh looking at Dominik "My dad is actually mexican.." I state then walking back to the dining table and so do the others. And we began to start eating again talking about how they all wanted to meet my dad.

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