I love her!

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5th July

It's been a month and you and Dominik have been spending so much time together. And yes we was still a secret to most people and Dominik was doing little promos about his mysterious girlfriend. I was doing little fights here and there. Mostly with the judgment day as there was still promos of them wanting me join them. Me and Dominik have been boyfriend and girlfriend for over a month now. And there was nothing wrong. We still hadn't said i love you to each other but it kind of felt like we didn't need to..

Anyway, i was at my house with Dominik. I was packing my bag and Dominik already had his bag. We was going to my parents. My parents didn't know about me and Dominik and i was worried how they was going to react. I say they i mean papa, he just a handful and when he find out i've been keeping this secret from him for 1 month... he might freak.

I had told my parents i was bringing a friend to stay the night and they said yes it was fine. That's what u thought was the best thing to do rather than just turn up you know. I had finished packing so me and Dominik left my house and headed to my car. We chucked everything in boot and then got in the car. Me and Dominik didn't speak i was too nervous to speak and I think Dominik was too. I began to drive but 10 minutes into driving i pulled up and stop the car looking down "i don't know why but i feel like this is going to be the worst day and night ever. I have no clue what my dad is going to say.." I stated then leaning my head back on the head rest cold i g my eyes. I felt Dominiks hand go on my thigh and i instantly look down then at him and Dominik just leans in kissing me. I kiss him back but soon ended the kiss. "Amor u need to calm down i'm sure it'll be fine okay? I promise." Dominik states smiling calming me down. I nod my head at Dominik then beginning to drive to my parents house again.

we arrived at my parents house. I pulled into their driveway parking the car. Just taking a breather then getting out of the car. Me and Dominik grabbed our bags and headed to the front door. It wasn't a big house my parents house but it was a cosy family home i guess. I knocked on the door and we waited for someone to answer. Suddenly someone answered the door it was my mum. God i loved my mum she was a bundle of joy and she was just amazing. She supported everything i liked and she was always nice about everything. Sometimes too nice i guess but still i loved her so much. "Hi ma!" I said smiling and hugging my mum. My mum hugged me back smiling and kissing me on the cheek. She ended the hug then just looking at me "God your so beautiful sweetheart." She said then noticing Dominik and smiling "Oh this must be your friend. Hi i'm Holly it's a pleasure to meet you." She said smiling at Dominik and Dominik just smiled back. But my mum then turned to me "nunca dijiste que tu amigo era un chico y que era guapo. y te juro que lo he visto en wwe.." She said and i awkwardly chuckled and so did Dominik when i then said "mamá habla español, y sí, es luchador profesional en wwe.." My mums eyes instantly widened doing an awkward laugh then letting me and Dominik inside the house. We walk into the living room placing our bags down and I sit down on the sofa then patting the space next to me gesturing for Dominik to sit. He sits down next me. I could tell he was nervous..

Dominik POV

I sat down next to kiera putting on a smile but it quickly faded as i started to bite the inside of my cheek. My leg started to bounce as I was nervous I kept trying to drop but i couldn't. I didn't want Kiera to know I was nervous as I promised her everything was going to be okay even though I don't even know these people. They are total strangers to me. I was most nervous about meet her dad. In the nicest way possible he seems like a dick and I was worried he was going to hate me. I zoned out biting my cheek but I felt Kiera secretly move my hand behind her back holding it. So she was holding my hand behind her back to calm me down. I mean it did kind of work. God what would I do with out Kiera. I looked at kiera smiling whispering to her "thank you.." God I really love her.. I really do... but I don't know how to tell her because what if she didn't feel the same?

Kiera POV

Dominik whispered to me saying "thank you" and I smiled in reply. My dad and mum then walked into the living room sitting down in-front of us. And my dad instantly looked at Dominik then at me. "So-.." my dad said but without thinking I instantly butted in shouting "he's my boyfriend!" I instantly pause realising I just announced Dominik was my boyfriend in the worst way ever. But my mum smiled and clapped "aw! How cute!" She stated, me and Dominik smiled then moving mine and his hand away from behind me back. I look over at my dad who's just sitting there looking confused so I just lean forwards a little bit "Pápá?" I say trying to make him say something and he looks at us smiling "how wonderful..? I'm just shocked, I was just going to ask how you both was then you blurted it out. So I guessing this is only like a been a week since you guys got together right?" My dad said and me and Dominik awkwardly look at each other then back at my mum and dad "it's been over 1 month..." I said and my dads facial expressions quickly changed he looked almost annoyed. But then Dominik shot up speaking "but I promise sir I've been taking great care as i always will!" My dad ignores Dominik and looks down. But then my mum speaks up. "It's okay hun it's only 1 month she older now she doesn't need to tell us even straight away. I'm just glad she happy and has someone there caring for her while she's gone." Dominik smiles at my mum but my dad then stands up storming to the kitchen and I follow him but gesturing for Dominik and my mum to stay in the living room.

I walk into the living room with my dad and I put my hand in my dad shoulder "Pápa don't get mad please. It's only one month" I say and he instantly turns around "yeah one month you had a boyfriend and you didn't tell me or your mother. It's disrespectful. We are your parents!" my dad shouts and I roll my eyes "well I'm sorry I didn't mean to upset you.." I state sighing but my dad then walks away a little asking "does your boyfriends parents know? And when did they find out?" I hesitated but I then answered "they know and they kind of found out straight away.." this made my dad furious I could tell he felt disrespected and I didn't know what to do but then I also didn't care in a way. As bad as it was. It's how I felt. "Are you kidding me? Why couldn't you tell us straight away as well? You told them! Why not us!?" God my dad was going over the top and it made me get angry at him as well "WELL GUESS WHAT? You are NOT my real father are you?! So I don't need to tell you anything! And I don't want to tell you anything because I can't stand you! You're mean and are constantly pushing me down! And I'm not dealing with it. So you can piss off!" I say but in a matter of a minute after I saw my dads face I instantly regretted what i said. I saw in the corner of my eye that Dominik and my mum was creeping at the door way but I didn't take full notice if it. "Entiendo por qué tu padre biológico no te quería. Obviamente sabía lo perra egoísta, irrespetuosa y ingrata que serías" My dad shouts at me and I was about to retaliate before Dominik ran in front of me "hey sir, listen to me. I'm Dominik. Your daughters boyfriend. And yes we have been together for a month. Get over the fact we didn't tell you. I'm not going to let you disrespect her. You're trying to talk to her about not being disrespectful how about you learn your own lesson. Kiera didn't even want to come here because of you. So I'm sorry but we are going to leave" Dominik says grabbing my wrist and beginning to walk off to grab our bags before my dad shouted stopping us "oi don't talk to me like that. She's my daughter I'll do what i want" This aggravated Dominik and he instantly turned around looking at my dad "no! She may be your daughter but you don't ever disrespect my girlfriend. I'm not going to stand for it! I love her and I will look after her no matter what even if that means shouting at her piece of shit father" Dominik shouted then walking fast to grab our bags and leaving the house. I didn't say anything everything just happened so quickly and Dominik just said that he loved me..?

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