Part 5

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Time skips to wedding day>>>

Y /n POV
It's my wedding today. I was sitting on the chair and rosé was doing my makeup as she was the bridesmaid. All I was thinking was how changed my life will be finally I'll be able to get out of this hell (I sighed).
Rosé : DONE! ur ready bestie.
Y/n dress>>

 Y/n dress>>

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Y/n hair>>>

A/n POV Just then black pink entered the room and stood there shocked

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Just then black pink entered the room and stood there shocked.
Jisoo: omg yniee ur looking so beautiful.
Jennie : yes girl ur husband's gonna drool over u.
Lisa :Girl ur looking just so... gorgeous.
Rosé :After all she's my bestie.
Y /n & bp: ya ya we know.
Then Mr lee entered the room to take y/n to the ceremonial hall. He held hus hand out for y/n to hold it and she held his hand and they both walked out to see taehyung standing on the stage.

Mr Lee have y/n 's hand in his and backed away and y/n faced taehyung

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Mr Lee have y/n 's hand in his and backed away and y/n faced taehyung.

Y /n POV
He was looking so hot in his suit that I couldn't help but stare at him.
Taehyung POV
She was looking breath taking in that dress I couldn't take my eyes off her.
No taehyung u can't fall for her this marriage is only for business.

The ceremony started by exchanging rings and then vows.
Priest : Do you Kim Taehyung take Lee Y/n as ur lawfully wedded wife?
Taehyung : Yes I do
Priest :Do you Lee Y/n take Kim Taehyung as ur lawfully wedded husband?
Y /n : yes I do
Priest : now u may kiss the bride.
Saying this the priest backed away as  taehyung leaned ahead to kiss y/n closed her eyes tightly taehyung chuckled seeing this and planted a soft kiss on her forehead. Everyone stared clapping and cheering for them and went to greet the guests.
Mrs Kim : congratulations my kids.
Mr kim: congratulations children.
Y /n and taehyung : thank you eomma and appa.
Bp: congratulations ynahh
Rosé : congratulations Babe
Y/n : thank you babes.
Jimin : congratulations bro and sis in law.
Y /n : thank u jimin
Mrs kim: now u two should go home u must be tired.
They bid goodbye to everyone and left in their car the whole drive was filled with awkward silence but then they reached their new mansion which Mr and Mrs Kim bought for them. They both went inside.

Taehyung : This is your room we gonna have different rooms si here's your and one more thing we have to act like a couple outside and in front of my parents. (cold)
Y /n : yeah i know. (coldly)
Saying this went in her room>>>

Taehyung POVI didn't wanted to say something this harsh i don't why I feel bad for my behavior ughhh just leave it taehyung I should sleep now

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Taehyung POV
I didn't wanted to say something this harsh i don't why I feel bad for my behavior ughhh just leave it taehyung I should sleep now.
Y /n POV
I don't know why but I actually felt bad when he said we gonna have different rooms i mean we are married so.. Anyways but I hid my sadness well. But what now I'm not at all sleepy.. Let's call Rosé.
Y /n : hello
Rosé : ynahh why have u called me at this time(sleepy) it's ur first night with ur husband go enjoy babe and let me sleep.
Y/n : Rosé (trying to act angry) u know na it's just a forced arrange marriage just for our gain.
Rosé : ya ya I know but that doesn't mean u gonna disturb my petty little sleep(cutely)
Y /n : Awww how sweet now for my best friend her sleep is more important than me. Wow nice ok sleep tight bye.
Rosé : bu--(cuts call) ughhh.
Y /n POV
It's interesting to annoy her but what now I'm bored...... Let's go check our office room appa told me he specially ordered to make a personal office room for me. LET'S GO.................
As she stepped out of her room it was all dark and silent she was walking around in search of the office room then she felt some1 presence behind her as she turned around she bumped into a hard well built chest and was about to fall  and closed her eyes to ready to feel the pain but was held by a strong pair of hands as she opened her eyes she saw.............
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