Part 6

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When she opened her eyes she saw Taehyung standing there holding her in his arms she quickly stood properly and made a distance between them.
Y /n: I'm sorry (she was bit embarrassed but managed to keep a cold face)
Taehyung : what are you doing here right now.
Y /n : I was just not sleepy so I came to see the office room abt which appa told.
Taehyung : ohk
Y /n: And why are you here?
Taehyung : I just came to drink water from the kitchen and saw u here so just came to ask what it was nothing else.
Y /n :ok
Then they both went back to their rooms.
Y /n : oh god now I'm sleepy let's sleep.
Taehyung POV
Why I felt something strange while I was holding her we were so close damn.. Shit! Wtf are u thinking taehyung stop it. Let's sleep.

Next morning >>>
I got up did my morning routine and got ready for office
Y/n outfit >>>

Y/n POV Today I woke up early as I had to do the house chores and make breakfast for taehyung as no maids were there

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Today I woke up early as I had to do the house chores and make breakfast for taehyung as no maids were there.
I finish the chores and then started preparing breakfast.
Y /n : (On phone) hey rosé I'll be heading to office in an hour so can u pweaseeeee.... (cutely) Arrange my file.
Rosé : ughhh okayyy come fast we have a meeting.
Y /n: huh? I didn't know abt that ok I'll be there byee.
Rosé : bye.....
Y /n POV
Is he still sleeping cause its almost time for his office should I wake him up no... Y/N what if he took a leave then I'll just leave a note on the table hmmm. The breakfast was ready i was abt to write the note But just then I saw him coming down in his office attire.

I quickly put up my cold face

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I quickly put up my cold face.

Taehyung POV
I saw her arranging the table with dishes did she make my breakfast. She was in her office attire I think she's going to work today too.
Y /n : Morning here is ur breakfast I'm heading to work.
Taehyung : I don't take breakfast I'll eat in the office. (cold) (and went out in his car)
Y /n POV
That was rude ughh it's OK y/n let's go it's already time.

Taehyung POV
Was I too harsh or rude to her I'm kinda feeing bad for my behavior. Hmm... Nothing can be done now OK taehyung let's go.
At y/n office
All the girls were with y/n then suddenly Lisa came shouting in the room and opened the door with a loud bang.
Y /N : what happened unnie why are you shouting I'm sitting here only (a bit annoyed)
Lisa : how can I not shout huh? And jisoo unnie u too are not saying anything to her.
Jisoo : Lisa what happened just tell me first.
Lisa : unnie yesterday she got married and today she showed up in the office like a workaholic brat. Can't you just take a leave for a week or two.
Y /n : Unnie are u angry just because of this i mean seriously u know it's just an arranged marriage and wht the hell I will even do at home he is also working today and perhaps I basically came to know about the Mafia ceremony of getting my position the only reason I got married.
Rosé: no y/n she is right u should have taken a leave I'm sure Mr and Mrs Kim don't know abt this u two working just after the day u got married.
Jisoo and Jennie : yes that's right Lisa's right.
Jisoo : And abt the mafia ceremony it's after two days. And y/n see they're right wht they are saying is true I'm sure Mrs Kim will feel sad after knowing this.
Y /n: Unnie..... Eomma also  doesn't know that this marriage is based on a contract nothing else. And ok I'll be there for the ceremony. now I'm going to the meeting Rosé shall we go now (annoyed)
They went to the conference room >>>

Hey guys how was this part. And sorry for the late update ur author is really lazy and I was busy with my homework too. But now I'll try to be in schedule.
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