Part 14

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I just came back home as I have to meet my father so I'm getting ready and taehyung is waiting for me down stairs.

I was wearing a black dress till my knee and black boots. I didn't do makeup being natural and let my hair fall open. After getting ready I checked myself for the last time in the mirror took the clutch and headed down stairs.

There was taehyung scrolling through his phone or his half wife.....

It's been 2 months since their wedding where yn is falling for taehyung even harder day by day whereas Tae being all unaware of yn's feelings always ignores her which somehow breaks the poor  souls already broken heart.

Besides being the rude ass yn still has a heart which lacks the definition of love and craves for it alot but destiny had other plans she never got that love from her father and now taehyung.

Yn and taehyung sat in the car and drove to her father's mansion the ride was all silent as none of them initiated a talk. They reached  the mansion. Yn took a  deep breath and came out of the car.  Taehyung noticed it but didn't say anything and they went inside.

"Yn my daughter you here. I was craving to see you my princess." Mr Lee said leaving yn in utter shock. But then yn's eyes fell on the girl sitting on the couch in front of her with a devilish smirk on her face."Soojin" taehyung whispered to himself. taehyung spotted her and there was a look of uneasiness in his gaze but he didn't show it in his actions.

They sat down and yn asked Mr Lee with a cold face trying to control her anger, "what is she doing here?"
"why can't I be here it's my home too'' tgere came this irritating voice of Soojin." I'm not talking to you so better br quite or I'll not hesitate to say something offensive." yn said with anger visible in her voice.

" Yn! How dare you talk to your sister like that!?" Mr Lee yelled at her. "she is not my sister she's your late girlfriend's daughter so don't you ever relate her with me" yn said yelling back at him. Mr Lee stood up to slap her but a hand stopped him it was Taehyung.
"Don't you dare raise a hand at 'my wife' if  I ever saw this misbehave with her I'll make sure you go through the worst." he said gritting his teeth with his jaw clenched eyes boiling with anger.


I was ready to feel the pain although I'm used to this abuse I shut my eyes tight but nothing happened when I opened my eyes I saw Tae.. He held my father's hand and he.. He addressed me as his wife like he defended me in my whole life I had no one to support and help me during times. My father would always beat me, his girlfriend and Soojin would always watch the whole scene more like enjoying it anyway...

"Don't you dare raise a hand at 'my wife' if  I ever saw this misbehave with her I'll make sure you go through the worst." he said gritting his teeth.....
For the first time in all these years I saw fear in my father's eyes and the reason for his fear was my husband my Tae......
He was really starting into mr Lee's soul and if eyes could kill he would have been six feet under the ground.
He held my hand making me stand and he gave a last stare to both of them and we came out of there.

We sat in the car he had a really tight hold of the steering wheel and he heaved a sigh and asked me calmly " is this what he always does?" I remained quiet trying not to recall those memories which are not less than a nightmare to me. " I asked you a question say something". No response. "yn I ASKED YOU A FUCKING QUESTION!" he bursted on me this sudden outburst caught me off guard. Taehyung let it be let's - let's go back." I said in a attempt to divert his mind.

He passed me a death glare." yn for the last time I'm asking you is this what he always does?." I nodded. "words yn I need words" he said in no nonsense tone. "y-yes" I replied tears already forming in my eyes. "look at me" I heard "huh?" being confused I said.
"look at me I said" he repeated his words. Blinking away my tears I looked at him and there I looked in his brown orbs which held a emotion which I tried to decode but couldn't.

"If anything happens again you need to tell me" he told me.
"nothing will happen like that again because I'm never going back there." I told him assuring him. "if that's the case then okay". Saying this he started the car and we reached our mansion.

It's almost midnight I felt a bit thirsty so I woke up and went towards the kitchen. I saw that the lights were on and a shadow of a person sitting was visible. It was Tae like who else could it be. So I went to the fridge not bothering him I opened the fridge and took out the bottle. I was pouring the water in a glass when I heard Tae say something which I couldn't understand so I turned to him.

"Soojin why did you do this. I loved you still you had to betray my heart. Whyyyyy just whyy?" he said. I felt a sharp pain in my heart. He-he loves Soojin?.. I went towards him and a strong smell of alcohol struck my nose. He was drunk. He smelled like alcohol.
I stood in front of him and he looked at me and out of the blue....... He hugged me.

HE HUGGED ME! I'm so happy he actually hugged me. The man I love hugged me... Then the soft sound of sobs made me come back to reality. Tae my tae was crying Idk the reasons but all want to do is capture him in my arms and never let him go.

"Tae what happened tell me why are you crying?" he looked at me with tears streaming down his cheeks.
"I- I never wanted to hurt Soojin she.. she left me why yn why? You will not leave me. will you?"
"no never in my entire life I'll think of leaving you." I assured him. "first let's take you to your room okay? Come with me" with my support I helped him climb the stairs and we entered his room. I made him sit on the bed and removed his tie, shoes and watch.

I laid him down with his head on my lap he hugged my waist tightly he buried his face in my stomach giving me butterflies and with closed eyes he again repeated the same lines he told me before. " never leave me yn please...." I ignored them and caressed his hair helping him to sleep.these moments are so beautiful with him.

He won't remember any of them tomorrow...

All this is because he's drunk. He'll forget all this and act like nothing happened. I can't complain it's just a little contract it's not his fault that I fell for him knowing he will never reciprocate the love I have for him.
Why life has to be so unfair with me it's not my fault that I can't hate him. After all these years when I believed there's nothing like love in my life he made me realise I was wrong. And now he's the one I mentioned in my prayers.

I don't know if I deserve him or not but if wanting him to be mine makes me selfish then yes.. I'm selfish.....
He slept finally he's able to sleep now. I got up placed him correctly and lastly placed a peck on his forehead and came out of the room to sleep. Of course sleep was nowhere near. All I could think of was his words. Is he talking about Soojin no.. No it could have been someone else too. But if he still loves her why did he marry me and why did she leave him.

Many questions with no answers that's how my life has been. Anyway....


Heyy readers first of all I'm so so so so sorry for not updating. I have my exams so I'm kinda busy.

Do let me know how was this chapter and stay tuned don't forget to vote.
Many of you don't vote which is kinda demotivating.....


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