Part 10

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Y /n was crying in her room just then tae was coming upstairs to his room while passing by y/n 's room he heard sobs due to curiosity he stopped to see what happened he saw that the door was unlocked he peeped a bit to see and was shocked seeing y/n crying he felt a sharp pain in his heart.

Taehyung POV

When I saw her sobbing and crying and repeating the same word eomma I felt a sharp pain in my heart even I didn't know the reason but somehow seeing y/n like that hurted me. I waited outside her room for her to sleep.

Mid night >>
(Still Taehyung's POV)
I woke up and realised that I slept while sitting outside her room I stood up and went inside her room sat at the bed corner she was sleeping with a cute pout and dried tears visible on her cheeks she looked so cute with that pout.... Aish taehyung shut the fuck up.

Taehyung :  Appa told me abt ur trauma but I didn't know it was this deep....... what are you doing to me              y/n (caressing her head) can I trust with my love? Should I give you a chance...... (he kissed her forehead and went to sleep).

Time skips to the mafia procession day>>
(I'm lazy hehe)

At Y /n office >>
Lisa : girl ur coming to the party right?
Jisoo: obviously pabo she's coming it's for her only.
Rosé : Ne, that's what I'm telling her.
Y /n : guys I'm really not happy with this.
Jisoo: it's OK yniee you'll be fine just be positive.
(Y /n phone rings) picks up.
Y /n : hello without looking at the caller id.
Taehyung : ug- be ready by 7pm I'll pick you up from home.

Y /n : ok (cuts call)
Rosé : was it Taehyung shii ?
Y /n: yeah sighs*
Jennie : what was he saying.
Y /n : he told me to be ready by 7pm so he'll pick me up.
Rosé : ohk girl that's good that you both are at talking terms.
Y /n : yeah but just talking.
Rosé : I k mrs ice cube. (y/n glares) um.. Umm u should get going it's already     5:45.
Y /n: hmm bye
BP : byee. Meet you there.

Y /n POV
I went home and started to get ready I was thinking about what difference is it going to make after becoming Mafia queen and my life blah blah blah.
Now I'm ready to go.

My dress >>

(I kinda liked this one so

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(I kinda liked this one so...)

I was all ready and waiting for taehyung just then I heard car horn and I went downstairs to see...


Taehyung looking so hot and sexy he's himself looking like the Greek god

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Taehyung looking so hot and sexy he's himself looking like the Greek god. I cursed myself.. ohh fuck you y/n what are you thinking.

Taehyung POV

I reached home and horned from my car in order to tell y/n I'm here and then I saw her coming down stairs looking hot af  I was in my imaginary land but then she knocked on the window and signalled me to unlock the door and I did but she just got me hard... The fuckin hell has happened to you taehyung stop thinking like that aishhh.

At the party <<<
They both entered holding hands (show off) many paparazzis were there they all turned to the couple recording them but taehyung and y/n ignored them and went to greet the guests.

Taehyung : Y /n meet mr Choi our business partner.
Y /n : anneyong Mr Choi (bowed)
Mr Choi : hello mr and mrs kim or should I say Mr and Mrs Mafia (laughing a bit)
Y /n + taehyung : (smiled a bit)

Time skips to after the mafia procession >>>
Y/n was sitting on the chairs arranged for guests and taehyung was with his business partners just then someone came to her..
??? : hey beautiful I'm Kai.
Y /n : hello I'm Kim y/n.
Kai: aishh ur soo beautiful wanna come with me. As for me all it takes is a night with u.
Y /n: Aww and for me it's a punch and a kick on ur ass is all it takes to make u run away from me.
Kai: ahh I like ur attitude girl are you alone?
Y /n: i--
??? : no she's with me her husband.
Taehyung was talking to the guests but he saw Kai one of his rival Mafia talking to you he got angry by seeing you two smiling he excused himself and came.
Taehyung : no she's with me her husband (angry)
Kai : oh mr kim she's ur wife. (went)
He held ur hand and went to his car.
Y /n : (yanked his hand) what the fuck do you think u doing huh?
Y /n: Mr Kim fucking Taehyung it's none of ur business it's totally up to me to I talk or do whatever so stop trying to control me(angry)
(calls someone)
Y /n (on call) : come to xxx place to pick me.
Taehyung : what are doing come inside the car.
Y /n : no need to showoff I can go on my own (car arrives).
Taehyung : It's not a joke y/n come on in.
Y /n (ignored and sat in the car).
Taehyung : you gonna pay for this (gritting his teeth)......

(Can never forget to end the chapter without his face

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(Can never forget to end the chapter without his face.)

salanghaeyo 💖💖
Hey sweeties
A long ass chapter after a long time do vote for this part and also what do you Taehyung's gonna do??
Do tell me plss.
And I'm trying my best to update this ff but my tests are going on so it's kinda hard for me but I'll try. Till then....

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