Part 7

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In conference room >>>


I was waiting for the ceo of the mafia company with whom we are collaborating. Then rosé came and tomd ne they're here I stood up to welcome them then I saw Taehyung and jimin coming inside i was literally shocked. I immediately looked at Rosé with a ' did u knew abt it' look and she replied with a 'how would I know ' look. I sighed.

Y /n : welcome Mr Kim.
Taehyung : Thank you Ms Lee (cold)

Taehyung POV
I was shocked to see her but managed to look calm. She welcomed me  and I sat on my chair.

Then the employees started their presentations for the project. The companies joined hands.

After the meeting >>>

Taehyung : jimin hyung when is the mafia party in which I'll be crowned Mafia king?

Jimin : it's after 2 days. Tae how are ur things  with y/n going on.

Taehyung : hyung u know it's just business then too ur asking.

Jimin : Tae this contract marriage can be made and healed with love and can't u just move on from past.

Taehyung : hyung I don't wanna talk about this please I'm leaving for home.

He left - - - - - - - - - -

At home >>>

Taehyung entered the house and saw y/n setting the table all the food looked very delicious to him. Y /n saw him and signalled to have dinner. Je nodded and went upstairs to change.

After some time - - -

Y /n POV
Isn't he taking too long did he forgot abt dinner should I go call him no y/n he'll come if he would be hungry but what's wrong in calling him ughhhhh it frustrating I'll just call him.

She knocked on the door but no response then she slowly came inside and what she saw........


This is your author
So I know this was short but chapter ahead are  going to be long so stay tuned for more and some cringy content finally....

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