Part 22

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Two guards ran towards me and caught my hands. Then the Jason guy walked towards me and punched my nose, he kicked my stomach and chest I don't know how many times.

My body aches as he kicked again and again and again! The pain was almost unbearable yeah, almost. But I chose not to show him how much pain he gave me.

I felt dizzy as I found it difficult to stand on my feet. He signaled the guards to leave me and they stood behind me and I fell on the ground. I could see a smirk forming on his face as he forwarded his foot to kick me again but this time I dodged it and caught his leg as he fell down.

The two guards came towards me to hold me again but this time I elbowed one of them as he fell down groaning, good thing I took his gun and shot the other guy's leg because he caught me, almost.

Then, Jason and the guard started stalking towards me as they looked up and down at me. I roll my eyes at the bastards still checking me out.

I point my gun at them and shoot the guard first. Jason looked at the body and the groaning guard with horror as if now there's no one to save him.

Awww little kitten

" Oh, no-no don't worry I'll not kill you...... Atleast not now it's too easy and painless" I tell him as his eyes still won't budge from the gun in my hand.

I simply throw the gun away and slap his face. I pick up the pocket knife from the ground which I had tucked in my shoes but how the fuck it fell? Anyway... and I place it under his chin, the pointed edge scraping his skin and a little bit of blood was visible by now.

I push the knife in his right hand as he screams in pain. I smirk looking at his condition, all my pain and tiredness started drifting as I continue to push my way into his bicep with the knife.

I throw the blooded knife away and grab him by his collar making him stand. I kick his stomach and he groans bending with his hands on his belly.

I grab a fistful of his hair in my hands as I make him look at me. He looked like shit already.

He's himself a piece of shit, what do you expect?

I punch his face hard.... So hard that my knuckles hurt but I don't give a fuck about it. I looked at his face, busted lips, black eye, bloody cheekbones.

I think of finally stopping as his condition already was worse and I had to get out of the hell too. But every time I look at him all I feel is my rage taking over me, compelling me to hit him to the point he begs me to kill him.

I could not stop even though I felt like it was enough but anyway... I hit him as hard as I can making him look like a piece of shit.

I punched his stomach and his back hit the wall, I continue to punch his stomach while panting, I could feel a burning sensation on my knuckles but I cared less about it.

This little bastard and that old hag had enough of this. I took out all my rage on the bastard lying like a corpse in front of me. When I was done I kicked his stomach one last time and picked up my gun I could see his half-open eyes staring at me, begging me to kill him already.

I scoffed looking at the pathetic little thing in front of me, I can't help but to roll my eyes as his gaze turns into a pleading one.

I raise my gun and point it at him, pulling off the safety, I shoot him right between his eyes. I leave the room or basement or whatever it was and make my way upstairs.

I guess the room was soundproof that's why they couldn't hear any of the groans of the guards lying there otherwise there would have been an army of them inside.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 10 ⏰

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