Part 20

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I woke up with the sunlight hitting my face and a strong muscular arm possessively wrapped around my waist
I turned around to see the most handsome man in the world.

He had a faint smile on his lips and a lock of his black hair on his forehead. He looked so damn beautiful. Then suddenly all the incidents from last night came rushing in my mind. His confession, making love and everything that made me blush.

I had this sudden urge to kiss him so I placed a soft peck on his lips and was about to pull away when a hand held the back of my neck making my lips to land on his. The next I saw was his eyes wide open with a mischievous smile that played on his lips which I felt even with our lips attached.

I freed myself from him and sat up with the blanket wrapped around me.
" you were awake all this while?" I asked him. " sweetheart, how could I sleep with the most beautiful woman by my side when all I wanted to do was to stare at her and kiss those lips that are longing for my touch." he said that made me smile.

This man has a way with his words

Yeah." you know what to and when to say right? " I asked him with a smile on my face.

When was the last time I smiled so much?

I don't know but it doesn't matter as long as he's with me. He just shrugged in response. " well, now I need my kiss" he said. " no, we need to freshen up first" I told him. He huffed and pouted but finally gave in to my decision.

I smiled and went to take a shower. As the warm water touched my skin my body relaxed washing away all the tiredness. I closed my eyes feeling the warmth just then I felt a pair of arms snaking around my waist.

It was none other than Taehyung.
" Tae? What are you doing?" I asked with a frown. " nothing. Just trying to save water." he said and entered the shower removing his boxers and kissed me.

I came out of the shower after almost half an hour as Tae's horny ass couldn't control and we ended up fucking in the shower too. And thanks to it I'm late.

It wasn't just him who was horny

Maybe. But right now I'm hurrying for my office. As and when I entered my office building I saw Rosé and Lisa unnie talking to each other. They looked stressed.

Strange. Because Lisa unnie was never stressed. I walked up to them and we greeted each other.

" what's wrong you guys look stressed?" I asked. They exchanged glances on whether to tell me or not. Then finally Rosé took a deep breath.
" The jet with our shipments of weapons that left last night was hijacked by someone '' she told me and my blood boiled on the thought that someone dared to hijack my jet.

" did you get the information about the fucking thing? " I asked trying my best not to lose my shit. " we did and all the dots connect.... and direct it to only one person" she said and it was enough for me to figure out who she was talking about.

Lee Songyun.

" He wants to get his position as the mafia head again." she informs me.

Over my fucking dead body

'' okay. I'll handle this. I want you all in the meeting room now. " I told them and went to my cabin.

I sat down on my chair and rubbed a hand on my face.

What the fuck does he want from me. Then suddenly something clicked in my mind. He should know what songyun wants.

I called Rosé and told her to arrange everything.

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