Part 15

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Two weeks later

It's been 2 weeks and I haven't even seen his face.

He's been avoiding me since that encounter at my father's and also I was busy my work.

I would wake up early than usual then leave for work much earlier and came really late. I haven't seen him in so long. Well it's actually a good thing because things have been a bit awkward between us since that day.

Telling the truth I was so engrossed in my work life that I barely even came home in these two weeks. The schedule was really hectic.

Or maybe you were trying to forget the incident from that night....

Maybe? Girl... that's the reality.

Now my mind has also started arguing come on yn just forget about that night he was drunk..

Exactly he was I guess that's why he spoke  the truth....

I need to clear my mind. This inner war of mine is nothing but a pain in ass! I took out a file and started to go through it to take my mind off things.

I sighed just then Rosé barged in my office and sat on the chair across me. She had a appealing look on her face which told me she has some big disastrous plan in mind which in turn is gonna be a good...


" ynieee I've got this really outstanding idea you gonna love it" she said excitedly. " Rosé not now I'm busy. You can keep that outstanding idea to yourself it would be better for you and for everyone" I told her.

Translation: just shut the fuck up!

'' you are no fun girl well anyway hear me out..... I'm thinking of organising your bachelor party! "she exclaimed.

" oh nice... Wait... WHAT! you know that I'm already married right? Wait did you lose your last remaining brain cells too!? '' I said trying to digest what she just said.

Here..... We have a problem now.

" Oh come on that's the fun ! I'm organising a post wedding bachelor party this is gonna be historic..." here we go again with her shitty ideas.
" we are not making any historical moments now shut up and get lost" I told her

She now used her weapon  puppy eyes no  man... come on not this! "you won't even do that for your best friend? How rude... Anyway it's ok if you don't want to I understand I'm no one to you.." she just did not say that did she?   " ughhh.. Okay" I said.

Crying internally

" For what?" she asked innocently. That brat! "that bachelor party" I said almost whispering. " What? I didn't quite hear you say that again....." she said. Okay now you annoying me.
" you want me to say no to this shit of yours?" I told her irritatedly.

" nope not at all... I'll go get everything prepared we gonna have a blast and I'm inviting the boys too. If you want you can invite that cold ass husband of yours" she told me, rolled her eyes at the mention of Taehyung and  went out.

I sighed. I don't wanna do this I want the answers to my questions so badly but I guess I'll have to wait until it's the right time.

I'm done with my work so I guess I can go back home I badly need some rest. So I packed up my things and came
out. I thought of taking a coffee I told the woman in the canteen to get me my coffee. She was scared of me. She was stuttering while talking.

Okay it's good to see people fear me but I kinda don't like it when my employees are afraid of me. " M-ma'am your c-coffee." she passed it to me while gazing down. I chuckled her eyes widened seeing me smile.

"you don't have to be scared of me. I don't bite." I told her while sipping on my coffee. She muttered a 'okay', I nodded and came out to my car and sat in it.

I think I'll just go to my bed, I really need some sleep.

Or need to see your husband..?

Yeah, that too but sleep first, I guess. Anyway I reached home and went inside just to see a girl so fucking gorgeous and her knee length dress that had a slit on her right leg. The way it held her tits. Can I ask her to where she got those tits from, like girl..! Anyway that's enough for today.

I pass through her and she looked at me with a smirk. I was confused but then I looked at her face, her lipstick ruined, hair messy and a bit of her eyeliner was out of place.

Looks life she had a really hot fucking session.... Geez!

I ignore my thoughts and come inside only to see Tae sitting on the couch wearing his coat and  his tie. Wait! the girl was looking like she was fucked and here taehyung is also fixing his dress. Please don't be what I'm thinking right now. Please

Bitch fucking just ask him about that whore

Even if we are nothing but a contract still he can't just fuck any girl knowing that we are married let it be a contract.

You don't even know what happened stop assuming...!

I didn't spare a glance at him and came in my room. I could feel the tears forming in my eyes threatening to fall. My vision was blurry and a sob escaped my mouth.  I felt a sharp pain in my heart by the thought of him fucking girls around. I felt as if my  world was falling apart.


But what if it is? I heard a knock on my door and quickly wiped my tears and composed my posture lastly taking a sharp breath I opened the door only to see Maria the house keeper she is in fifties and still the enthusiasm and energy this woman has is incredible.

She smiled at me and passed her a weak smile. Then she said " young master is calling you Mrs Kim please come fast". " Okay.. And  Maria you can call me yn."  she hesitated a bit but nodded and went down stairs.

I composed myself to face him and put on my cold face to hide my stupid emotions. I saw him talking on the phone so I sat on the couch and waited for him to finish. When he was done he turned to me his eyes still on the phone typing something.

" There's a Mafia ball and we are going so be ready at 7 pm." he said and turned to go but stopped at his track and turned to me, " and I don't want any kind of drama like the last time" he said nonchalantly.

I scoffed at his words. "you were the one who started it" I said and stood up not listening to whatever he was blabbering and came in my room.

A/N :

Heyyy ladies.....
So this was it for today and go y'all comment and vote for this if I get a good response the next chapter will be posted tomorrow.....

What you think about the new cover

Do tell me...


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