Part 17

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Yn's POV

This ball is boring as fuck. I can't bear it anymore like everyone's dancing with there partners, I'm not saying I'm jealous but they're enjoying atleast.

Come on we know you're jealous babe..

Okayyy maybe a bit. But where the fuck is Taehyung. Probably fucking another woman or whatever.


Oh god consy stop ruining my mood. I was sitting alone while sipping on my drink when a handsome guy approached me. He was tall like really taller than me.

Shorter than MY TAE..

I couldn't help and as soon as he approached me " how tall are you?" I fucking blurted out. Oh god I'm embarrassed now. " 5'9, is that okay?" he asked me with a chuckle. " umm.. Yeah I guess" I laughed nervously. Anyway he held his hand out for me to which I passed a confused look.

He wants to dance bitch!

" umm.. Can I have a dance with you miss beautiful?" he asked me with pleading eyes to which I chuckled and nodded extending my hand which he immediately held. We walked to stage where everyone was dancing. He gently placed my palms on his chest and rested his hands on my waist and we started moving with the rhythm of the slow and peaceful music. " So.. Whats your name, miss beautiful?" he asked me. "Yn, Kim Yn and yours? ''  I told him." Edward, Edward Knight but you can call me ed " he replied smiling. He's sweet. And we talked, laughed while dancing. It was fun, he's a nice guy.

He's the second command of the American mafia and as and when I told him my name he recognised me as we have allies with them from i don't know how long. He knows I'm the Mafia Queen and it was shocking for him to see that the woman who's said to be emotionless is laughing with him. But he too understood the limitations of mafias. We are not allowed to feel. We are denied any kind of emotional attachment or any kind of feelings.

I had my eyes on the ground all the time but when the music changed I looked around to see a angry.. or jealous? Taehyung staring at us with a dark look. I just shrugged. After sometime we parted away. We walked to the bar and ordered our drinks I was talking to him when I felt a arm on my waist. My body stiffened with the touch I swiftly turned around to see taehyung I relieved a bit.

" if you don't mind I like to take her with me" he said glaring at Ed. He passed me a questioning look. " umm.. Ed! Here, meet my husband. Ed he's Taehyung, Taehyung he's Ed." I said smiling at Ed. He smiled back. "hello Mr Kim, myself Edward Knight" He introduced himself to which taehyung only nodded.

" now can I take my wife?" Tae said making me amazed. " yes of course, see you around beautiful" he said waving at me and left. I turned to face taehyung who looked angry. He dragged me from there and now we were standing in the garden of the venue.

" Why are we here?" I asked him only to receive a glare from him. I huffed and asked him again. " Taehyung what's wrong why are we here" he still glared at me without saying anything. Now I couldn't help but to get irritated.

" What the fuck is wrong with you can't you just answer my damn question? And why in the fucking hell are you literally glaring at me?" I said rubbing my temples." you're asking this to me? I should be the one asking you. What's wrong with you. What the fuck  were you doing with that guy " he Said gritting his teeth. His jaw was clenched and hair were messy.

God... He looks so sexy.

" What do you mean?" I asked him.
'' yn I'm not a fool, why the hell were you dancing with that mother fucker." he almost shouted. I stepped forward to look at him and then the smell of alcohol hit me. He's drunk?

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