Part 21

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I sat in my office thinking about last night. I don't know if it was the right decision to tell her. But fuck it!

I don't care even if it was wrong all I care about is that now she's mine and only mine. Even the thought of another man touching her makes my blood boil with rage. She's mine to touch, mine to heal and mine to destroy.

I don't care if I sound crazy right now because that's true. Her existence does things to me. The stupid emotions I thought make a man weak are no longer stupid to me and I can't make out a proper reason and I don't even want to know.

This feeling. This love. Everything seems so fake it feels like a dream after what she did I never thought I'd ever trust a woman again but here we are madly obsessed with my forced wife.

Funny, how I absolutely hated her, her presence for marrying me but now I can't even think of a single day without her by my side. This woman has me wrapped around her finger and surprisingly I can't complain.

A unknowing smile formed on my lips as her face appeared in front of my eyes as I thought of her. Her doe eyes that hold emotions which are too hard for me to decode, her brown silky hair, and the absolutely gorgeous smile that appears on her face making her whole face lit up with beauty.

" Mr Kim?"
" Sir? Are you there?" I heard someone calling me. I was pulled out of my trance and saw everyone looking at me some with concern and some with confusion that was when I realised it was my meeting room. I had a meeting with the Kang groups on our most important project and I didn't pay any attention to it.

Yn you are playing with my mind now!

" yeah. I am" I said back to my cold tone. " Sir if you are unwell, should I get a medicine?" my PA asked. " no I'm alright we can continue with the meeting" I said.

She nodded and the meeting proceeded smoothly and I payed complete attention this time.

The deal was done but I had this feeling of uneasiness that settled in my heart. (the one I never knew existed) I tried working but my instinct told me there's something wrong.

I was thinking about this when my cell rang and I looked to see it was a unknown no.. I usually never pick up these calls but I don't know what came into me that I answered this call.

" Hello" the line went silent so I ended the call. And again started working on my file. My cell rang again with the same no.. This triggered me.

" yes?"
No response. I was so annoyed but just then something clicked me. Maybe this is some kind of warning. I quickly called Jimin and Namjoon.

" What's wrong with you, man? Can a guy not talk to his girlfriend peacefully?" jimin said dramatically.
" You and your love sick behaviour..." Namjoon said mockingly. " yahhhh hyung!" jimin whined. Is he a child or what sometimes I wonder how the actual fuck did we become friends?

" can we be serious now? " I said gaining their attention. " yes sir!" Jimin saluted dramatically. I glared at him and Namjoon hyung chuckled.

" I got a call right now. It was a unknown number. And when I answered the call the line was silent." I said with seriousness." How do they have your personal cell number? " Namjoon hyung asked. " and why did the line went all silent? Is this a trap? Or a warning? " jimin asked.

" I don't know that's why I've called you guys to track this number and get me details about this fucker " I told them. If this is a warning or some shit like that then the motherfucker will see how I treat the fuckers who dare to threaten me.

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