Chapter 2

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I took a deep breath and smiled "Heh I'm sorry to burst your bubbles but it's not my intention to make Captain chase after me it's just that I ate up already with my friends outside" I politely stood and smiled sweetly at them "It's very nice to spend time with you all please have a pleasant night!" I bowed my head and I walked towards Nozel "I believe it's time to go Captain as the conversation here is not getting cooler, Good night then" I bowed for the last time and I started walking out.


After Roselyn walked out I glared at Solid "We will talk now" my voice is stern as I stood and went out of the dinning room.

"Brother what is it?" I looked back at him as soon as we reached the balcony "You Don't understand anything Solid, are dumbed or your choosing to be an airhead!? stop picking on her! if she loses it I won't interfere with what she is going to do with you!" I sigh while glaring at him, I can see confusion on him "What can she do? she's weak and a peasant there's no way she can pick on me too!" I pressed my lips into a thin line " You're truly a fool!" I left him alone there.


"Damn! you lied to me Asta! you put me in this situation!" I was drinking sake with Asta, he shook his head "I didn't know it would end up like that!" we both looked behind us when the door opened "Oy who's that lady you drinking with?" I saw Captain Yami, I frowned and rolled my eyes on him before I drank my cup again "Oy lady did you just roll your eyes on me?" I felt his hand on my head and he turned me around to face him, his face was on my level and he still had his cigarette on him mouth "Hmp!" I slapped his arm away and faced the counter again "Huh!? did you just-" Asta went on our middle stopping his Captain "You didn't choose me! why? why? is it because I look weak!?" some people here at the tavern are looking at me " Huh? what are you saying!?" he pushed Asta aside and sat beside me, I took a sip on my sake again and looked at him "I'm correct, right!?" he frowned and I thought he would hit me but instead he grabbed the bottle of sake I'm drinking and drank straight on it! "I did not choose you because your magic is light magic! have you forgotten I'm a dark magic user? it's the total opposite of yours! besides, you're in the good hand with Nozel" I looked away and took the bottle from him "You Don't know what you are saying! how could you say I'm in good hands with them?" he signaled me to look behind us and I saw Nozel standing on the doorway!

I immediately covered my face with my hood and I guessed all the alcohol I took earlier vanished in the air! "Why are you hiding? he is your Captain you should face him!" Yami nagged me but I teleported away to that place!


We noticed how Nozel squints his eyes as soon as Roselyn teleports away then when he notices us he leaves "Seems like your Rosy friend is in trouble" I said to Asta and I continue drinking.


Early in the morning, I walked back to the base with some of my clothes since I will be living here from now on.

I was fixing myself in my room when suddenly I heard knocks so I opened the door and Chrimary's face is the first one I saw! "Hi you are Roselyn right? I noticed that no one was talking with you! so I decided to be your friend!" I find it odd so I raised my right eyebrow "Sorry, I'm not here to have friends" I was about to close the door but she stopped me "Wait! wait! do you want to practice with me? come on! I Don't take no as an answer!" I gasped as she dragged me out of my room excitedly to train with me.

She picked up her spear and we have been encircled with our other colleagues "Uhm..."I felt uncomfortable as they were laughing at me, she smiled " come on! it's alright! show me what you got!" She attacked me with her spear and since my first instinct is to defend myself I pulled it and hit her with my knees on her stomach before I held her neck and dunked her to the ground "What's happening here!?" Solid arrived and pushed me away! Chrimary coughed as if she got attacked "She suddenly attacked us while we were in training!" I gasped and shook my head "What!? that's a lie! I was fixing my things in my room when she suddenly approached me and asked if I could go on training with her! it isn't my fau-" I stopped talking and chuckled "So this is a set up huh? I shouldn't trust in the first place" my voice is low and I smiled but then I suddenly felt Solid's slapped on me and I fell to the ground "Peasant! that's what you are getting for lying! you know what? you are nothing but a troublesome and disgusting peasant! why don't you just go back to the forest? ignorant like you shouldn't be here!" he shouted, I suddenly felt the heavy feeling in my heart but I settled it and stood "What now? you gonna hurt me too? I'm your superior here! so you'll listen to what I will say!" I nodded.

He punished me that I won't eat lunch because of what happened "Who cares about lunch? their foods are tasteless anyway" I said as I put an arrow on my bow and hit the target exactly in the middle "Who's food is tasteless?" I looked around and bowed my head, it was him again "I believe I was talking to myself" I said as I turned around and picked up another arrow but then he interrupted me by pulling my arm, that's the time my thin thread of patience got snapped, I swiftly faced him grabbed his neck and pinned him to the nearest walk while pointing him my arrow "I've been holding this anger since yesterday! you listen well to me!" he put up his hand and I saw surprised on his face "You peasant -" he was about to grab my hands but I pointed the arrow on his neck and showed him I am totally pissed "Move and I won't hesitate to put you on permanent peace! listen well because I will say this just once... Don't you ever hit me, piss me or just don't you ever come close to me, do you understand!? do I make myself clear!?" He nodded immediately so I let him go and walked away.


I saw everything but I kept quiet, she's still holding it, Solid remained unmoving to where he is it seems like he really got surprised by Roselyn's sudden movement.

I followed her and I saw her in her room, she's trembling as she looked in her hands and I saw how she burst into tears.

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