Chapter 17

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I was taking off my kimono in my room, I put the stuffed bear on my bed but before I could pull the ribbon of it there was someone knocking on the door, I opened it and I saw Nozel he was still wearing his kimono, he entered and closed the door a little loud! "Captain?" he held my shoulders "What's that Roselyn? why did you go to the festival together with Solid?" I frowned "What's wrong? he is my friend!" he scoffed "Ah friend? someone says they saw you and him, his arm was around your shoulder while watching the moon!" I stared at him before I looked away "It's not what you think!" I walked towards my mirror but he pulled me again "Not what I think? can't you see he has been trying to hit on you ever since before!?" I looked straight in his eyes "What is it for you!?" he grabbed my waist aggressively "What is it for me!? have you forgotten I'm still your boyfriend!?" I scoffed "What? I didn't forget anything! maybe you are!" He suddenly kissed me and started pulling the ribbon of my kimono, I held it and tried to push him but he used his knee to support my back and using his other hand he held the back of my neck while the other was still pulling the ribbon!

He parted from my lips but still his face is so close "How can I forget the one I truly love, Roselyn?" his words seem like a whisper "Stop it,why are you doing this?" I feel like I wanna cry "Because I Don't remember we broke up" my tears fell, he is right we don't go through a proper break up "Is it even required? after what you did? after your sudden announcement of that wedding?" I can see pain in his eyes "I'm sorry, Roselyn...sorry for hurting you but...." he kisses my forehead  "You're still mine because I said so" my eyes widened in surprise! "How could you be so selfish?" pain streaks to my heart like the voltage of lightning but then he looked at me and kissed me softly on my lips "Because I love you" he said, I closed my eyes "That's right, I love you too" for now I let my selfish side win! I want to be him so bad!

Morning, I picked up the stuffed bear because he threw it off the bed last night telling I shouldn't sleeping with it beside me he already left, I sighed as I sat on my bed and stare at the ceiling.


I was eating breakfast with my siblings I've noticed how serious Nozel's face is "Brother, are you alright?" I asked he just glared at me and cleared his throat "It seems like you did not sleep well last night" Nebra said with worried on her face "I'm alright" he stood and left, Nebra and me looked on each other.

I followed him outside and to my surprise he grabbed me on my cape and pinned me to the nearest wall "Leave Roselyn alone!" his words are stern, I was shocked at first but eventually I grinned "Why? what's wrong? I Don't think there's something wrong with our friendship, brother" he slapped me but I chuckled "Leave her alone..." he let me go and gave cold stare on me "Leave her alone or forget I am your brother, Solid" I wasn't surprised he reacts like this but I didn't speak and brush my clothes before I walked through him with serious expression on my face "I'll do what I want and no one can stop me" that's what I told him before I left.


At this point, I chased him and punch him on the face, I dragged him down to the ground and punch him again but he just shielding my attack "Why don't you fight? huh? come on!" I stood and kicked him but he did not response instead he just keep blocking me "Captain!" I heard Roselyn "Nozel!" Chrimary arrived too and held me while Roselyn kneeled and blocked herself to Solid "What are you doing!?" Chrimary said, Solid got up and glare on me "Go on! punch me! kick me! Don't stop him!" I pushed Chrimary aside but Roselyn shielded Solid again while staring right through my eyes.


I saw how he acts like a tamed Lion when Roselyn looked on him, I frowned and I attacked her she was surprised when I jumped on her and dragged her to the ground, she groaned "You bastard!" I heard Nozel, he attacked Solid too! "Hey what are you doing!?" Roselyn shielding my attack too "You peasant low life creature! just die!" I slapped her two times but at the third one she punch me and I fell to the ground "You hag!" she slapped me, I groan and she kicked "How dare you!" I pulled her foot and she fell to the ground again!  I punched her but she fought back "Asshole!" I gasped for what she called me "Your mouth is filthy as you peasant!" I punched her but she used her legs and snaked it to my neck before she dragged me, she slapped me hard! "Roselyn! Chrimary!" We heard Solid and Nozel, after awhile Nozel pulled me away from the peasant and she was pulled by Solid "Let me go! I'll show this peasant why a filthy creature like her should remain on thr ground!" I pushed Nozel "Huh? filthy well bird brain come here and I'll show you how hard the ground is!" she pushes Solid, I let out my grimoire and she show me her light magic I gasped "Roselyn stop!" Solid grabbed her again but she pushed him "We have to finish this now!" she made a doom where in it just me and her.


Even the other squad members goes here and watched what's happening "Roselyn! Chrimary stop this right now!" I shouted but then my eyes widen in surprised they threw an attack to each other! The light and fire ball met on the middle but not for long, Roselyn's light magic consumes Chrimary crystal ball of fire it's beautiful like a sun but it exploded!

The barrier got destroyed and we have to run for our safety! I closed my eyes and after awhile I opened it, I saw Chrimary was inside a barrier and Roselyn kneeling on the ground! she has bruises on her hand and face.


That moment, I saw my life flashed to my eyes but she put me on a barrier and forgotten herself! she was catching her breath and approached me then she slapped me hard "This is the second time you triggered me like this! Do you really asking for death!?" she shouted, I slapped her back and punch her but she grabbed my hair and I did the same thing! "Enough the two of you!" we stopped and looked at Nozel, she kneeled to the ground "I'm so sorry Captain" she said, he approached us and behind him was Solid he kneeled on Roselyn's side "Are you alright?" he asked while Nozel just glare on me, he checked my bruises and looked on Roselyn she stood and bowed her head.

We heard someone clapping their hands, I looked around and saw Captain Fuegoleon with his sister Mereolona "That was impressive fight!" Mereolona said while approaching us! "You can use that on the mission someday" I looked away "I will never going to team up with her!" I felt Nozel slapped my back! I groan "What was that for!?" I shouted, I looked at Roselyn and she still looked pissed but Solid holding her arm to assist her, she remained silent "What now!? are you ashame of your filthy mouth!?" she glared on me "Shut up Airhead!" Mereolona laughed and Fuegoleon shook his head while smiling.

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