Chapter 12

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We received another mission from the wizard king but this time, the whole squad is required to go.

"Hey" I looked behind me and I saw Solid, I was here at the living room "Hey" I stood and looked on him "Do you want to train with me?" he asked, I find it odd but I smiled and agreed.

We stood on the training area, he let out his grimoire "Are you ready?" he asked, I smirk and teleported behind him "I believe you shouldn't ask you opponent if they are ready" he turn his head on me and I saw he smirks, I felt his water dragon wraps around me! "I know you well Roselyn" he pulled me closer and lean his face on me "Heh you look prettier at this wonder my brother is head over heel to you" I gasped and using
my magic I nullified his water magic, he gasped as I fell face first to the ground, damn why did I forgot he was holding me using it!? "Oh are you alright?" he picked me up and surprisingly he didn't react violently! "What!? what are you saying!?" he smiled "Come on, stop pretending you Don't know what I mean, Roselyn"  I move away from him "Don't be surprised that I already know. It's too obvious if you have sharp eyes" I sighed and held my arm, he suddenly looked concern "Let me see, did I injured you? it's your fault anyway!" he suddenly pulled my sleeve down to check my arm, I move away and turn to face him "It's fine I can heal myself" I was about to go but he blocked his arm on my way "Were not even starting yet" I looked on him and he smiles again "Uhm I think we should move it on some other time like uhm tomorrow?" his expression became sad "Oh okay, I won't force you just take a rest and make sure you will heal yourself" I nodded.

I was sitting here at the kitchen, I really feel strange with Solid! why does he suddenly act like that? I was surprised when Nozel suddenly lean my head on his stomach and kiss the top of my head "How was my girl? you look bothered" he said before he sat beside me, I looked on him then I cleared my throat "I just...I just feel weird" he frown "About?" he squeezed my hand "Solid, he suddenly act like he cared about me" he nodded "Maybe he realized that he shouldn't messing up with you" he smiled and pat my shoulder "Don't bother yourself too much, alright?" he kissed my hand and that's right before our comrades arrived he immediately let me go.

Dinner time, I'm trying my best not to be bother to Solid but he keeps smiling to me and even offered me the best part of this boar "So Roselyn, can we know what's your specialties? I mean you're living alone, right? it means you can cook!"  He said, Nebra seems became interested "Uhm well yes, I Do have! next time if you want I can cook for you!" they all clap their hands and Nozel just smiled "What would it be?" Nebra asked, I was surprised too when she smiled at me "Surprise!" she shook her head and continue eating.

I was laying on my bed, this day is really weird! what was that for? it's just few weeks when I arrived and this two Silvas are really rude to me and they talking with me like we doing it normally!? I closed my eyes.


I spotted Solid walking on the corridor so I approached him "Solid" he smiled at me "I know you're up to something but if it's about Roselyn, know your limitations" He nodded "You Don't have to worry, I Don't have intention to make her fall to me, I just want to know more about her" I nodded "That's good" He nodded.

We walk together until I we reached our rooms, I wonder if Roselyn still awake.



"What about making her fall in love to you?" I frowned "You Don't know what are you saying" I stood and left Chrimary alone at the court room.

I know she was trying to make an agreement and I know she was referring to Roselyn! I can't affort losing my brother because of a girl!


I sighed and lay my back on the door "I'm sorry brother!" even though I declined Chrimary's agreement here I am still trying to be nice at Roselyn! I'm being stupid for still coming close to her even though I know what's happening to myself!



We're on the journey for our next mission "The one we're going to face is a devil named Zahida, I know we can do it! whatever happens don't let your guard down just follow the plan we made" Nozel says, I nodded.

I was staring at the night sky and everyone was already sleeping we have three days of journey I told Nozel I can just teleport us there but he said he Don't want me to exhaust my magic "Roselyn" I was surprised when he hugged me! it's so bold considering our squad mates are just sleeping right behind us! but I just let him "Promise me you won't do any reckless" he whispered, I remained silent "I can't. I want to insure everyone's safety" he tightens his hug "I'm still your Captain and that's an order from me" I sigh "Nozel, I can't affort if I saw everyone dying right in front of me! this isn't just an ordinary mission!" he laid his head on my shoulder "Just listen to me" I bit my lower lips "Okay" I felt him let out a deep breath "Once this over I will kiss you a lot!" I chuckled "You're crazy!" He laugh softly "I missed you! we've been exhausted for our training and we don't have time for ourselves" I nodded "I want everyone to know that you are mine" I gasped and looked back on him "What do you mean?" he smiled and kisses my shoulder "Just wait for it" I blinked and I feel my heart beating faster.

Morning, we decided to land on a forest we built our camp on there for a meantime we'll be stay here.


Roselyn giving foods to everyone "So do you have plan of annoucing our wedding or I'm jusy going to do it by myself?" I looked beside me and Chrimary smiling at me "What? do you think it's the right time to talk about that? we're off in the mission and that's what's on your head!?" she smirks "Tell it or I'll do it by myself and she will end up broken hearted" I sigh and glare at her "Wait until this mission over! on the first place I Don't want this wedding!" she laughed and put her arm on my shoulder and looked on Roselyn "Well you Don't have a choice! it's the pride of your family or that peasant, you have to choose" I stared at Roselyn, I can't lose her!


I frowned when Chrimary approached me and smile at me "Make sure you'll sure, peasant" she even fix my cloak before she walked away, I followed her by look while frowning.

I was gathering some dried woods "Hey" I was surprised when Nozel hugged me from behind "Nozel? is there something wrong?" I asked, he shook his head "No, everything is good" I caress his arms that's on my waist "I saw a nearby town earlier, would you like to take a rest there?" he nodded "Anything you want, let's call the others." he let me go and turned away to call our squad members.

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