Chapter 6

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I was surprised when he blinded me with his light! I stepped away covering my face when I opened my eyes his fist is the first thing I saw! I fell to the ground, I laughed and stood "Ah what a power you got there..." I wiped the blood coming to my lips "Now you figured out why I called the beast!" I chuckled, I teleported behind him and stabbed him with my sword "Too bad I am a knight..." He roared and fell laying his stomach on the ground, I sat beside and faced him "You see, it's up to me whether I'll let you live or I'll let you die..."I smiled at him, I looked at Nozel who was currently laying his back on the trunk of the tree he was still above, it seems like he was losing a lot of blood, I looked back to the beast "Come on, tell me" Shioyuki glared at me but then I showed him the golden necklace "I believe this is yours" his eyes widened in surprised "That's your wife, right?" I asked while pointing to Hinari "Yes! please...give it back to me!" he attempted to reach for it "Not unless you promise not to destroy that village again!" he nodded "It's their fault! they stole this necklace on me!" I gave back the necklace and I removed my sword from him, he let out a groan "I'm putting curse on you, if you dare to step on that village again you and your wife will die" I coldly say before I went back to Nozel.

"Captain!" I held him in my arms, I am bleeding too and I feel so weak! "Why? you didn't kill him?" He asked while frowning but his voice is getting low "There's no time! we have to-" I groan as I felt my head spinning too "We need to go before we die" I immediately gathered our things and I teleported us back to the headquarters.

Solid, Nebra and the rest were surprised when we suddenly appeared in front of them they were currently at the court room "Brother!" Nebra and Solid said in chorus and they ran towards us getting Nozel from me, Thank goodness he's safe now I used my healing power and my last strength to heal him before I fell unconscious.


"Impossible" I said, my heart beating faster as I saw her healed Nozel "Roselyn? wake up!" Nozel held her on his arms and the lasting I saw is he carried her away... while everyone was clamouring because of their sudden appearance on front of us my mind was been blown away, a peasant who can used spatial magic? healing magic? how? just how? and those markings? what's that?

I stood outside her room and I saw Nozel phasing back and forth on her side while waiting for Mimosa to arrived "That peasant receiving too much affection from the Captain huh?" I heard Chrimary said "She saved him, what do you expect?" I heard her gasped maybe she wasn't expecting my answer.


For unknown reason my heart is beating loudly! she open her eyes and squints maybe trying to figure out who I am "It's me Captain Nozel! how do you feel? why did you do that? why did you saved me? do you know how far are we when you bring us here!?" she frown, the door opens and Mimosa entered "Roselyn! Oh no! what happened to you!?" She immediately sat on Roselyn side and heal her, but she fell asleep again "Captain what happened?" she asked me "were out in the mission and we fought a magical beasts" She nodded "That's too Dangerous! she have lots of poison on her body!" I gasped and took a sigh "Thank you for coming and healing her, she's actually has a healing magic but she healed me first before herself" Mimosa nodded and sat on the side on Roselyn "She's the sweetest and kindest girl I ever met!" I sigh and I went out.

I saw Solid and the rest on the court room "Captain how are you now? are you okay?" Chrimary asked, I ignored her and I sat on my place "Captain were so worried about you! but are you sure it's still Roselyn who brought you here? looked at her she can used spatial magic and can even heal you!" I closed my eyes as they bumbers me with questions "That is Roselyn" that's all I hear "She's amazing! I mean she's a great help to our squad if that is so!" I looked up as I heard that from my one squad member, Solid and Nebra remained silent as they listen to everyone praising Roselyn "We should held a banquet for her! I mean she just saved our Captain!" I nodded, that's the best I can do.


I woke up, I saw Asta and Captain Yami I groan and held my head "Roselyn! you're awake! you bastard I thought you will leave us!" I pouted my lips on Captain Yami "Roselyn how are you? Mimosa went here earlier and healed you" I nodded "I'm a little okay" Captain Yami sat beside me and looked on my arm "Hmm you are really rare! your markings are still on your skin!" I looked on it and gasped "Ah I think it will take time before it went away" I sat and looked on them "How was Captain Nozel?" I asked "He is completely fine well, were surprised when he arrived at the base and told us you are unconscious" Asta says, so it was him who brought them here "Hmm okay that's good to hear" I smiled at them, Asta suddenly hugged me "Stupid! why did you risked you life like that!? you should have teleported to me and get me so I can be able to help you!" I pat his back "As if Captain Nozel will allowed that!" he look at me and to my surprise he kissed my forehead "Next time becareful" I nodded and he looked me while smiling.

I heard knocks on the door and it opens gently, I saw Captain Nozel he walk towards me and took a deep breath "How are you?" he asked "I'm all good!" I smiled on him "We better go! see you around Rosy!" I was surprised when Captain Yami kissed the back of my hand and winked at me "Eh?" I said while my eyes are widened in surprise Asta laughed nervously and waved good bye to me before they left, it just me and Captain Nozel now he sat on my side here on the bed and I was surprised when he pat my head "You did a great job" I smiled "I did what is right" He nodded "I should have listened to you on the first place maybe we will not be on that situation" I shake my head "That's alright at least we able to saved the village now. If they dare to do mischief again they will die, the slash I gave to them serves as curse that will be forever sticking on their bodies" He smiled "Why are you keeping that magic of yours?" I sigh "Because it's dangerous, if I can't handle it very well I will end up hurting people around me" he nodded, I got up and walked towards the window "Captain is it alright if I walk outside?" I asked "Sure, you can do anything you want just make sure you're already okay" I smiled and faced him "Thank you" he nodded and went out.

 If they dare to do mischief again they will die, the slash I gave to them serves as curse that will be forever sticking on their bodies" He smiled "Why are you keeping that magic of yours?" I sigh "Because it's dangerous, if I can't handle it ver...

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I wore my white dress and I walked towards the meadow, I smiled and laid my back on the grass but I got up again and picked up some flowers, while I was playing with the flowers a grey cat approach me and I smiled on it but on distance I saw Captain Nozel staring on me, I looked back on him for the first time he did not looked away...I blinked twice and I realized my heart is beating so fast!
I smiled a little then I looked away while smiling.


She looked away first! it means she's the one who have feelings and not me! "Why don't you approach her?" I looked back and saw Fuegoleon, he smirks "What are you doing here?" I asked while frowning, he lean over to the doorway "I've heard you have a pretty amazing knight here, was that her?" I frowned "Yes and what is it for you?" he chuckles and approach Roselyn.

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