Chapter 7

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I was surprised Captain Fuegoleon approached me, I stood and bowed my head on him "Hey you must be Roselyn?" I gasped and looked on him with confusion "How did you know my name?" I asked he smiled "A friend told me, you see...." He turns his head around and looked back on me "I feel interested with you, gossips are spreading like wild fire and I can hear it so tell me, what kind of magic do you truly possess?" I shake my head and took a deep breath "Uhm well, I have light magic, spatial and healing magic" He put his hand on his chin "That's actually odd, how do you got it? do you have grimoire? can I see your grimoire?" I shake my head "I Don't have that, this is my natural abilities and I Don't know how I got this" I saw Captain Nozel approaching us and after awhile he stood beside me "I Don't think I give you permission to talk with my squad member, do I?" he raised his eyebrow, Captain Fuegoleon laughed and shook his head "And I never seen you that protective with someone before" I raised my eyebrow and looked at them innocently "It's just basic questions so no worries" he added "Leave her alone! she needs time for herself She just from a traumatic mission! stop asking too many questions to her" Fuegoleon laughed again and shook his head "Alright alright I got it! so..." he faced me again and pat my shoulder "Take care and have a great night, Roselyn" he said before he turned around and left.

I sigh and I watched them walked away together, then I faced the sky again that slowly getting dark "Oh" I sat on the grass field again "Oy Roselyn!" I looked back and saw my one colleague running towards me while smiling, he sat beside me and smile "You did great! ah we actually planning a banquet for you but we thought that would be too much! instead, we cooked some roasted duck and mushroom soup for you!" I raised my eyebrow as I remembered the last time I trusted them I end up troubling myself, he scratched his nape and looked down on the grass "Well...we know we're been jerk on you but since you saved our Captain we want to thanked you for being a great Magic knight!" I nodded and smiled "Alright I got it" I took a deep breath "So, let's come in?" he asked, I nodded and stood.

As we seating on dinning room, Captain Vermillion are strangely giving me a glimpse and my colleagues are surprisingly treating me well! except for Chrimary who looks out of place and frowning on her seat while eating, Solid and Nebra did not attend the dinner maybe they heard this is for me and Nozel hmm.... Captain remained silent from his seat, I smiled at them and I rely how everything happens but I didn't mention about my dark magic.

Night time, I went to the nearby hot spring as I thought everyone was already done taking a bath, I removed my clothes and tie my hair into bun before I soak myself on it, I closed my eyes as I relax my body and feeling the warmth of this water, I smiled.

I tried to move around but to my surprise... I saw another person here! he was sitting right on the side of a big rock, his eyes are closed too! my heartbeat increase and I went to a deeper part but I think he noticed my movement as he opens his eyes and look at me!

"CAPTAIN!?" my voice is loud because I got startled! but I covers my mouth "What are you staring at? is this the first time you saw a naked man?" my eyes widened in surprise! "What!? o-of course!" I looked away and covers my body with my arms under the water! I think my whole face is kind of numb! "Hmm I did not expect you to be that honest and I think you enjoyed the view" I heard him chuckle! I was about to looked on him again but I realized he is naked! "H-how long you been there? " I looked on the water as I felt my heart beat increases loudly "I was here before you came, I did not expect that you were that stupid and did not notice me" I gasped and frowned "How could you-" I cleared my throat and looked on him "You were so silent! if you seen me arrived then why you didn't say anything!? you should have called me out!" he smirks "What do you want me to do then? do you want me to leave? alright" he was about to get up but I shrieked and immediately covered my eyes! "No! what are you doing!?" I turned around, I heard him softly laugh and after that I felt his presence behind me and my eyes widened in surprise! "Come on Roselyn you don't have to be shy, it's just the two of us here" I gasped, he is right! I should go! this isn't right! I suddenly felt his hands on my shoulders squeezing it gently "Come on, face me or I will do something more than just staring..." I gasped and immediately turned around which is wrong move! I saw his body! his perfect shaped body! then I looked on his face he still have this stupid smirk! "What do you want Captain? U-uhm I think I should go now..." he Tilted his head while looking at me and I can sense something isn't right, he levelled his face on me "Roselyn, I like it when you blush" his voice is almost a whisper "Huh?" I feel weird! he chuckles again "Look, your face is all red and your lips are parted...seems like you're inviting me for another feast..." My eyes widened and my heart beat so fast as he leaned closer to me! what the hell is he doing!? "Tell me, are you satisfied with just looking on my body? you don't want to feel it?" his voice turned seductive and I shake my head, I moved backwards to give us space "Captain, what do you think are you doing? this isn't right!" he tilted his head again and smiles "You are scared of me now? that's right be afraid" I gulped and blinked twice "I'm just kidding!" he laughed like a crazy! I frowned but after a while I laugh too but I took it as opportunity to leave and gathered my clothes.

I returned back to base and my mind has been floating! "Crazy" I whispered.


I saw her just entered the base, I rolled my eyes on her and went back to my room.

I smiled as I looked myself into the mirror "soon I will be a Silva and I'll make sure that peasant will be out!" I said as I comb my hair.


I shake my head, the scene on the hot spring keeps coming back to my head! what was that for!? why did he do that? I sighed.

"Roselyn!" I heard him call me as I walked towards my room "Yes Captain?" I asked and approached him, he stared at me with the same cold stare he had "Follow me to my room" I frowned but I proceed following him.

As soon as we entered there he locked it and faced me, I was completely defenseless now "So tell me, what does Fuegoleon asked to you?" I tilted my head wondering why does it important for him to know it! "Hmm well just basic things about me, regarding to my magic...but I did not tell him about my black magic" he nodded "I see...I see..." he moves closely and I was surprised when he brushed the back of his hand on my face gently "Aren't you wondering why did I invited you to my room? hmm?" I shake my head "Did I did something wrong?" I asked, he chuckled and walk closer but I moved backwards, I saw his expression turned serious "Stop moving, I did not told to move" I nodded "Well, you saw me naked at the hot spring and left me alone there, which one do you think is wrong on the two?" I bite my lower lips "Uhm w-well...Uhm..." He held my shoulders "Come on Roselyn speak clearly, Don't be fret I won't do anything to you" he give me a sly smile "I think it's the second one, I left without telling you" he nodded and again I was surprised when he put my hair behind my ear while his other hamd still holding me "Exactly, but that's not the main reason why where here you really don't have idea or are you playing dumb?" I shake my head and even my heart is pounding like a drum right now I tried my best to be calm "Perhaps I should make you understand then..." he removes the lock of my cloak and it fells to the floor "Captain-" he put one finger on my lips "Shh I just removed your cloak, I'll remove mine too so you feel comfortable" he take off his cloak and let it fell to the floor too then he stepped closer to me and leaned over "I want you to trust me" I gulped and I nodded "I'm trusting you, Captain" I heard him chuckles and before I could even react he kissed my lips lightly!

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