Chapter 21

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I feel out of place while picking berries with them "No! this one is sweeter! here try it" I frowned secretly being jealous after she made Solid taste the berry she bit on, I raised my eyebrow but I just turned around and cleared my throat "Oh I forgot I still have something to do, be back on the headquarters before night" I said before I walked away feeling bitter among them.

I stalked them, they went to the town and I noticed that she was helping the people who needed help due to what happened a few days ago, the way she smiled at them was like the sun during rainy days, she's the moon that everyone needs during the darkness night and those eyes that twinkling like the beautiful stars full of positivities everything about here is beautiful "Solid?" she looked around, I frowned yes Solid suddenly disappeared I wonder where he is.


I got lost and am looking for Roselyn I held my chin "Hmm I wonder where she is?" I turned around and frowned seeing Nozel hiding behind a wall "Brother?" after hearing my voice it seems like he became frozen to where he is so I approached him "Are you following us?" he turned around and cleared his throat "No, why would I? I told you I have something to do earlier and I'm here to check the situation" clearly it's just an excuse but I just nodded and checked what he was looking for "Oh Roselyn" I smiled but then I saw a man approached her  with grin on his face"So you're part of Silver Eagle? squad? I can't believe it! they accepted a lowlife peasant like you" he put his hands on his waist and looked down on Roselyn "And you did not make it because of your attitude" she said and put down the kid she's carrying we just watched curious on how she will handle it, it seems like the man did not like her comment because he frowned but she remained calm and was about to turned around when suddenly he slapped her!  everyone gasped I immediately picked out my grimoire "Solid No" I looked at Nozel "He just disrespected her! how could you still stand there doing nothing?" he shook his head and I looked back at Roselyn "You low life peasant! how could you say that to a noble like me!? what now? you think you're above just because you got accepted as a Magic knight?" she frowned and before I could know it she swung her  foot and blew a strong kick on that man's stomach that made him groan and fell to the ground "Just to remind you, I'm wearing our uniform it means you disrespecting the person who's currently working for the Kingdom and Wizard King himself" her voice is cold and far from the Roselyn who used to talk with us "You're a Noble yes but it doesn't make you deserve to be a knight, because you'll just going to use it to overpowered those people who is not strong as you" he glare on her and was about to attack her but then I gasped seeing mercury spear flew towards his direction but did not hit him! I let out my water dragon and attacked him before we went close "That's enough!" Nozel shouted, Everyone fell into silence as we walked towards them, the man kneeled down and bowed his head trembling "How could you speak like that with someone who just saved the Kingdom a few days ago?" Nozel asked coldly, I smirked "That's what you are getting for admiring yourself too much lowlife!" I pulled Roselyn beside me "Are you alright? my my! look at that, your cheek turns red" I glare on the man "The next time, we see you doing something like this again we will surely be going to punish you in a way you would still remember it even if you're sleeping" He gasped and bowed his head even more "Let's go" Nozel said before he turned around.


As soon as we turned around he shouted at us "You think you are superior!? There are so many better squads than yours!" Nozel frowned and clenched his fist but Solid tapped his back "Don't be bothered by that chicken head" Solid said, Nozel then took a deep breath before we continued walking away but then I felt a magic attack was about to hit us! I turned around and used my spatial magic to teleport on his side "You're not really going to stop, aren't you?" I whispered to him before I touched his grimoire and in just a sec it lost its power "No! No!" he screams "what did you do?" he growls at me but I just teleported back to Nozel and Solid's side "That was cool!" Solid said, I just nodded my head we can still hear that man's scream "Don't give him magic back unless he reflects on what he did" I nodded to Nozel.

When we arrived at the headquarters, I sat on the bench while the siblings went inside, I held my tummy because I can feel pain on it "Suck" I said while caressing it "You making things hard for mama huh" I said then I smiled "You making mama looks weak! because I have to limit my moves and magic usage" I took a deep breath "But Mama will do everything for you" I smiled and to it before I looked up to the sky.


Captain Yami suddenly went here "Yes I want to take her to my squad" I frowned and raised my eyebrow  "What makes you decide to do that?" we're just the two of us here at the court room"I'm not blind Nozel, I can see that she's clearly uncomfortable working with you anymore" I got confused "What?" he crossed arms and spread his legs wide open "You guys know it?" I asked "She did not tell us but we feel it, Nozel. What I was thinking is I'm afraid that your marriage might affect her duty as magic knight" I looked away "No, I Don't want to lose a great knight on my squad" my voice is serious and stern "Okay if ever your mind change just go to the headquarters" he stood and walked out, I remained silent here sitting and trying to think about his words, he is right I know Roselyn still have feelings to me I Don't know if after my wedding it would still be the same but I know how much I hurt her but still, I Don't want to lose her! I never want to see her on the other squads!


I heard Yami and Nozel talking and I understand what she feels for Nozel and it is also a confirmation for me that they really been in a relationship! but why she did not fought for them? I thought she was strong and brave but why did she let Nozel do this decision!? I sat on my room and looked outside the window, I frowned upon seeing Roselyn sitting on a bench she looks like she's caressing her tummy but I ignored it and close the curtain.

3RD Person's POV

Zahida smiled wicked the day of his revenge was about to come and he will make sure to wipe out everyone who tried to kill him.

Meanwhile, Yami went back on the headquarters and announced to everyone that Nozel declined his request and the all feel devastated.

Solid on the other hand was doing a hard training because he want to be strong for Roselyn after seeing her magic he became inspired to get stronger even more and he wants to prove he deserve to be her partner.

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