Chapter 13

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We arrived at a town and the first thing we looked for was a place to stay, one town person told us we can rent a house that has a variety of rooms to sleep in since there were only a few of us we decided to take it.

The house has second floor however, the rooms aren't enough "Me and Solid will sleep on the same room, Nebra and Roselyn will be together the rest just group yourself but make sure all the rooms are occupied" Nozel ordered, the all nodded.

I was fixing my things on the room when I heard the door opens "Uh there's two beds on here...I preferred to sleep close to the window but if you want we can exchange" I said, but I did not hear any response "Uhm-" I looked up and saw Nozel at the door, he was looking at me "Nozel? I thought Nebra will be my partner on room?" he locked it and walks towards me, I can see seriousness on his eyes as if he was memorizing my face "Hey are you okay?" I noticed he had his things "Uhm..." he dropped it to the bed and he grabbed my cheeks and kissed me! I gasped but I close my eyes as I felt his kiss became deeper and a little faster! I held his shoulders, but he pulled me closer and wrapped his arms around my waist, I can feel something is wrong... something isn't right so I forced to stop the kiss "Hey what happened? are you really okay? please I know something isn't right...I'm getting worried" he looked straight to my eyes before he sat on the bed and held his head with both of his hands "Nozel" I sat beside him and caress his back "I'm being frustrated! I Don't want you to be in this mission! Roselyn, I know you are strong but still, I can't help but to overthink!" I stare on him and I gently remove his hands on his face, I put it down to his lap then I held his cheek to face me "Nozel look at me" he looked on me and I saw how stressed he is "Everything's gonna be okay, alright?" I kissed his forehead and I smiled at him "Remembered when we promised that we will protect each other? I won't forget it" He hugged me tightly "Roselyn" I pat his back "After this I won't let you be in any mission ever again!" I smiled "You can't stop me, I'm a magic knight it's my duty to serve and defend our kingdom!" he push me and held my shoulders "Then Marry me! be my wife!" I gasped and stare on him "Nozel..." he hugged me again "You Don't have to answer it right away but if marrying you is the only way for me to stop you for coming into missions then let's do it!" I sigh and lean my head on his shoulder.

I suddenly felt his lips on my neck, giving me small kisses on there his hands brushing down to my front and unlocking my cape, after that he kissed me on the back of my ear, my lips parted he then traces my skin with his fingers, I'm only wearing a dress without sleeves he then transfers to my left side and kiss my neck again, I tighten the grip on his cape but he parted from me and remove it, as our eyes met we kissed like there's no tomorrow! now I understand his feelings, the way he kissed me I felt all the emotions he have, we both longing for each other and we're both worried we might lost each other during this mission, we starts undressing each other and touching each other's body, he laid me down to the bed went on top of me while still kissing me.

He was caressing my hair, laying on the bed and only the blanket covered us "Roselyn, whatever happened always remember no matter what happen you are important to me" I nodded "Of course! I'll keep it on my heart" I hugged him tightly and I felt his gentle kiss on my temple.

Dinner time, I cooked the dinner for everyone! it's chicken soup with some cabbage and potatoes! "Woah!" they all said in chorus, I sat back on my seat and smiles "It smells delicious!" Solid said, Nozel got one serving on his plate and the others followed, my heartbeats crazy as I saw him taking a bite then his eyes widened "Woah this is so good!" Solid commented "You're right! the potatoes are melting on my mouth!" Nebra says then she smiled at me, I smiled back to her they all give comments "What? you calling this food? it's too salty!" I was surprised when Chrimary stood and went away, Nozel just sigh "Just ignore that brat!" Solid said and continue to eat, I just shake my head and smiles because I know everyone loves it!

As soon as we finish our food Nozel called a meeting "The first thing we have to do is to observe and then, we will going to plan how to attack it" we nodded "How about we attack at the same time?" Nebra asked "Uhm like someone will attack from the air the rest will be attacking from below" I added, he nodded "Roselyn, Nebra, Solid you're coming with me" he stare on me so I nodded and I gave him small smile.


"Do you see how Captain looked on her?" I heard these two squad members talking with each other after the meeting "Yes, they look good anyway! and Captain is lucky to have her she's a good cook, good personality and literally a beauty!" the other one nodded, I walked towards my room and saw Nebra there "What are you doing here? I thought I'd be sharing room with Nozel?" she laughed and lay on her bed "Just let him sleep with his girl, he had been spacing out since earlier on the forest" I forwned and went to my bed "Make sure you're not snoring or I'll cover your face with a pillow!" I said as I crawl to lay down "what!? oh make sure you Don't! because if I hear snore I' bring you outside of this room!" I rolled my eyes on her and curled into a fetal position facing the wall while frowning.



We arrived at the destination, I was surprised when the ground where we were standing at collapsed!

We screamed as we fell to the darkness but after a while I hit my back on the ground but I looked around but Nozel wasn't here "Captain!" I shouted as I stood, I looked around! my heart is starting to panic "Nozel!" I called him again "Where's Captain!?" Solid approached and I can see panic on his eyes too "We have to find him" I picked up my knife on my inner thigh and I start to walk "Are you crazy!? we have to stick on his plan!" I glared at Chrimary "You can eat that plan if you want but no one can stop me for looking for him!" I shouted as I pointed the sword on her, Solid and Nebra followed me.


I woke up laying on the ground, I stood and I heard a laughed so I turned around and saw this devil! I let out my grimoire "Zahida" he smiled on me showing his sharp teeth, his face is white with stripes of thick black lines vertical, his eyes are gleaming yellow and he's wearing a robe with violet diamond on the middle attached to a gold accessory that wraps around to his shoulders like vines "I've been waiting for you all to arrive" he stood and walk towards me "Stand back!" I shouted, he stops and grinned.

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