Chapter 11

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I felt that he was already sleeping, I looked at him and I smiled "This is the only time I can do this" I kissed his forehead before I leaned him again on my chest.

I woke up when I felt his kiss on my forehead and the first thing I saw was his face, I smiled and caress his cheek gently "Good Morning, Nozel" he chuckled and planted a small kiss on my palm "Good morning, Roselyn" he then hugged me.

We decided to walked on the field, he lay on lap "The view here is absolutely beautiful" I nodded as I looked around while caressing his hair "Yes, that's why this is my favorite spot after the training" I heard him laugh, I looked down on him and I saw that he was looking at me I chuckled and I gently poke his forehead "Silly!" he reached for my face while smiling "You are the prettiest and most wonderful scenery I ever saw, Roselyn. Everything about you is amazing, you captured my heart without any effort of achieving it" I was speechless with his words "You did the same thing, few weeks ago I'm just a nobody who's walking around the forest and then now here I am! with you....I found someone I wanted to protect" I caress my face "It's my duty to protect you, I am your Captain and your lover I can't affort if something happens to you" I bit my lower lips while smiling, this is the first time ever that someone says this words to me "Then let's protect each other then" I chuckled then I lean closer to him "I love you, I really do!" he got up and looked on me, he held the side of my neck and lean closer "But behind those things, you're still a mystery for me Roselyn..." He kissed me lightly "Do you want to know me more? do want to know who really Roselyn is?" I asked, he nods and we stood "I'll show you something" I held my dress and he gently held my other arm as we walk.

I brought him to the outskirt of the forest a little far from the headquarters, I faced him and my heart starts to beat faster then I held his hands, he looked at me and I can see confusion on his eyes "Nozel, I will show you something but promise me you're not going to be mad at me, I understand if you will feel upset or what, but please promise me that you're not going to avoid me" I can feel my heart beating faster but then he smiled at me...a very genuine smile "Whatever it is, I'll accept it Roselyn because that's part of who you are" he squeeze my hands gently, I hugged him first before and after that I move a little far from him "Please hold this for me" I take off my cape and handed it to him, he fold it and held on his arm then I pick out my knife from my inner thigh and I pointed it to the ground, the wind blows stronger "By the power that the darkness lend to me, I'm summoning the darkness...kill what is alive, withers the grasses and flowers" a sigil with purple light appears and I saw Nozel frown as the birds fly away and wild animals making noise then I strike my knife to the grass, a wave of dark magic came out withering the grasses, flowers and even trees then the birds fallen from the trees...markings came out to my body.

I stood and face him, the wind still blowing as the trees withering, he was looking at me with shock on his face "This me Nozel, the real Roselyn now my question is, would you still love me?" I opened my arms "Would you still going to hug me?" I'm scared, I Don't know what he will do but whatever it is I will accept it.

My heart almost crashed when he did not move and continued staring at me with serious expression but then, he walked towards close and I gasped when he hugged me at the same time I brought them back to life using my light magic everything that has been killed by dark magic, my tears fell as I hugged him tight "I told you I will accept you whatever you are" I smiled and then he looked around "Wow did you just brought them back to life?" he looked on me with amusement on his eyes "Yes I did, I have light magic, right? I used it while you hugging me" he smiled and looked around again "You're really amazing, Roselyn!" I gasped when he spins me around holding my waist! "You're really amazing Roselyn! I'm really happy to have you!" I smiled at him then put me down.


I was watching them from a distance, so that's how strong she is but most of all, this is how much he loves her, I smiled seeing my brother happy is what makes me happy I stretch my arms and keep the necklace I bought on my poket.


I was having a talk with Chrimary when I saw Solid entered and he look devastated "Solid what's with that face?" he looked on me and the usual him went back "What face? I'm just tired looking around at the capital! there so many peasants around!" I tilted my head obviously he just trying hard to act like this but I did not mention anything until he left "Something odd about him, do you notice? he sounds unnatural" Chrimary commented I just shook my head "Anyway, is that all your plan? how about for her?" I was referring to Roselyn, she scoffed "Plan for a peasant? After the wedding she will be nothing but a slave" She smirk, I nodded but deep inside I can feel something...I feel like Nozel and that peasant has something between them.

"Here! take this!" I was walking outside when I saw her and Nozel having a training, I watch them...they look happy, as long as he is happy I'm good with it.


I was soaking myself here at my warm bath, thinking what's happening to me "I shouldn't be confused" I sigh and I brushed my hands on my face! That peasant! how could she do this!? or it's my fault? I sighed.

I'm only wearing my robe and I walking towards my room but then my feet brought me on front of Roselyn's room, I stopped and looked on it...I step closely to the door then I touch it gently before I sigh and walk away.


"Yes that's how it works!" I heard Roselyn speaking, I raised my eyebrow and frowned they are sitting on a bench and she's showing her magic to Nozel and for the first I saw the old Nozel I used to know before, he laughs and those innocence on his eyes! it's gleaming with happiness, I hid on the wall and cried! I can't accept the fact he is happy with someone else! and most of all with this peasant!

I went to the courtroom and I saw Solid alone there drinking "What's the matter?" He glare on me "Leave me alone!" he shouted "Hey! what's the matter with you!?" I shouted back "I can't accept it! it shouldn't be like this! it shouldn't be like this! why? why do I have to feel like this towards a peasant and a nobody like her!?" I stare on him and I know who he is reffering to so I smiled and looked on his face "What about let's do something with that? what do you think?" he looked on me again.

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