Chapter 19

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I put a wet towel on his forehead, how ironic he said that we can't waste time and we have to train hard but here he is refusing to be healed because he wants to spend more time with me.

He doesn't want to let go of my hand "You have to eat, I will get some food for you, okay?" he shook his head "No, please just stay here" I took a deep breath "I'm just going to ask someone to bring us food" He remained silent for a while before he nodded slowly, I went out of the room and I saw Nebra was about to come here "Uhm Uh Nebra" she looked on me with worried on her face "How is he?" she asked "He is still refusing to be healed, uhm can you bring us some food? he doesn't want me to go" she nodded "Roselyn..." I heard Nozel calling me "Thank you" I said to Nebra then I went inside.

He just keeps staring at me while I'm feeding him and he doesn't want anyone else to go here "How do you feel now?" He tilted his head "Still dizzy, thank you for taking care of me" I nodded "Ah no need to thanked me" He reached for my hand and squeeze it.

After I fed him I helped him to changed clothes "Roselyn?" I heard knocks on my door "what is it?" I asked while looking on the door "We have an urgent news for the Captain, is he awake?" I walked towards the door and opened it "What is it? he still unwell" I can see the worried on that person's face "There was an attack on the Capital!" I gasped and before I even turned around the door open widely and Nozel walks out "Gathered everyone! we will be heading to Capital!" he commanded while walking "But wait are you sure you can go? you're still sick!" he looked back on me "I can't just send you guys out there on your own! let's go! The Kingdom is much important than myself!" I kept following him.

"Brother you can't go! you still need to take a rest!" Nebra said in worried tone as soon as we went outside, we can see the smoke from the distance "Come on" Nozel says "Nebra is right! you have to rest besides, the other squads we're already there!" Chrimary says but Nozel did not listen he summoned his Silver eagle "I'm the Captain here my word is the law! it's either you'll come with me or you leave the squad" he said in cold tone everyone fell into silence, I blinked twice "I'll go with you" I said with full determination, he nodded and everyone follow us.

As soon as we arrived at the Capital he jumps off from the eagle, me, Nebra and Solid followed him while the rest waited the Eagle to landed, my eyes widened as I saw the scenario...a lot of places being burned and there's a huge beast! it looks like a dragon with two head, it destroying and killing people, I saw Captain Yami and the rest of the Black bulls in the distance "Captain!" I called him he turned around "what took you so long?" he dodged a building that collapse "Come on!" Nozel put out his grimoire, I ran towards Captain Yami activating my magic "Roselyn, Asta was out for a mission with Noelle this beast appears out of nowhere" I sighed "Probably it was sent by the devil we fought" He frowned "Whoever it is I will kill them with my own hands!" I nodded.

I saw Nozel's majestic Mercury magic! the way, I slashed my katana on the ground in circular motion and my light magic scattered towards the dark creature! "Roselyn" I was surprised when Chrimary bumped at my back "What?" I asked "Do you remembered when our magic collide? can we do it again?" I looked on her and nodded then we run towards it, the beast throwing attacks on us!


I hitched my breath seeing Chrimary and Roselyn running towards the beast, I run towards them "Chrimary now!" Roselyn shouted, Chrimary ran ahead of her and let out a huge ball of fire while Roselyn made a dome where she enclosed the beast and let out a ball of light magic! their magic collides inside the dome and it consumes the beast! I used my mercury magic to shield everyone because I know this dome will explode like what happened on the headquarters! I heard the beast roared and at the same time the magic exploded, it took us some moments before we looked around the structure that close to the beast earlier got ruined by the explosion too then I looked around looking for Roselyn and Chrimary I ran towards them.

"Oy little idiot where are you?" I saw Captain Yami and Fuegoleon searching for them too "Roselyn where are you!?" I shouted while pulling up the fallen walls "Brother over here!" I ran towards Solid he was looking down to the crater, my eyes widened they are here! Roselyn's arms where wrapped on Chrimary protecting her but they are both unconscious! We slides down towards them "Roselyn!" I heard her friends from Black bulls following me, I picked up Chrimary then Captain Yami picked up Roselyn "Ugh! what happened?" she opened her eyes and gasped when she saw Yami carrying her "Eh!? Captain!" she looked around and saw Chrimary on my arms, she jumped from Yami's arms and even fall to the ground "Hey!" she looked on Chrimary "Damn it breath!" she punched her on stomach and Chrimary gasped and cough "You little brat!" She glare on Roselyn, she laughed and held Chrimary's forehead healing her "Haha you stop breathing, bird brain!" Chrimary slowly goes down "Shut up Don't call me like that!" she frowned "We made it!" Roselyn said like a kid and after awhile Chrimary smiled too "Really!?" they seems like they have their own world, I saw Fuegoleon smiled and Yami sighed while smiling, Charlotte just looked away but she smiles too! I just smiled a little too, Roselyn looked around and smiled looking down "Oh yeah! everyone worked hard to kill that beast!" Chrimary says and laughed "But your magic collides exploded it and made everything easier! thanks for the two of you" Fuegoleon said while smiling, Chrimary put her hands behind her back while smiling, Roselyn's just nodded.

While were walking back towards the headquarters I've noticed how Solid assisting Roselyn "She's impressive" I looked on Chrimary and she's smiling "She's always like that" she nodded "I can see a lot of men likes her, seems like Captain Fuegoleon are eyeing on her too" I shook my head "Probably, but knowing her it's not easy to tame her" she nodded "she's a tiger, strong and powerful" I looked back on Roselyn and I saw she leaned her head on Solid's chest, I frowned and cleared my throat before I looked away from them.


Days passed, we already confirmed that the one who sent the beast was thr devil we fought and we're planning to face him again after Nozel's wedding.

I was walking on the corridor towards my room when I saw Nozel he was walking alone but unlike before, he just walked past by me and understand him I'm just no one now on his life and that is something I have to accept, I continue to walk.

"So, do you really think it's a good idea to stay on his squad?" Vanessa asked I'm here at Black bulls headquarters and she's drinking "Why not? after all, he is not the reason why I became a magic knight" She sighed "Exactly! here world shouldn't be just rounding around Nozel! it just that he is the one who chose Roselyn on the first place" Finral said, Luck nodded "I can sense you're planning something, Roselyn" I looked on Yami and he has this serious look on his face "Yes but I changed my mind" he frowned and lit a cigarette, I covered my nose "Eh? do you have problem with my cigarette?" he asked "You're not like that before" he added while frowning "Yeah it just that...." I sighed "I'm not feeling well today" I lean myself on the table, he frowned narrowing his eyes on me I gasped feeling the goosebump and I looked away "So, are you attending his wedding?" I nodded "I'm his squad member of course, I have to be there" they looked on each other with worried on their faces before they looked back on me "Roselyn, you better make some excuse. We understand it's not easy to look on your love marrying someone else" My lips gaped for Vanessa's words but I looked away "I better go now, have a great day everyone!" I gathered my things and I rushed to the door but I was surprised when Yami banged closed it while overtowering me "Tell us the truth right now. Do you really want to attend on that wedding or not?" he asked, I stare on him and I forwned "I Don't have a choice" I used my teleporting magic.

I cried my heart on the field.

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