Chapter 1: On the Mend

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In his slumber, Raven was back in Tom Riddle's graveyard. He was reliving the nightmare and the pain from that night; Seeing Cedric die, being constantly hit with the Cruciatus Curse, losing his arm, and helping Harry escape.

Raven was confused as he found himself able to run from his tormentors. He kept hearing Voldemort's hissing voice, saying how they were going to kill him and then his mother. All he wanted to do was escape and make it back to her.

As he kept running, he heard a familiar humming. He could almost make out the words, and it seemed to get louder as kept running. He saw a white light and began to pick up his pace toward it. People say not to follow the light, but from what he began to hear coming from it, he didn't stop.

Sweet dreams are waiting for you

Fall silently, beneath the moon's view

He reached the light and went through it, and as he did he saw his mother on her rocking chair in her room, holding him as a baby.

Mumma's here so don't worry

She'll read you, a bedtime story

He walked up to her, kneeling and placing his only remaining hand over one of hers.

I love you, Little Bird

"I love you too, Mumma Bird." Raven said to her.

Wren opened her eyes, turned them to him and smiled. His baby form disappeared and she embraced him in a hug. "Welcome home, Little Bird." She said.

In St. Mungo's, Raven's eyes shot open as a small gasp escaped from his mouth. He heard shuffling to his left, and he could only look with his eyes as his body was too sore to move a muscle at the moment.

When he looked he saw his mother. "Raven!" She gasped, placing her hands on his cheeks. "Oh, my baby, you're awake!" Happy tears began to fill her eyes when she looked into his.

Raven smiled back at her. "I'm home, Mumma Bird." He said breathing in the familiar scent of her honey almond aroma, which comforted him.

"Yes, my Little Bird's home." Wren said then placed a loving kiss on his forehead.

"Where am I?" Raven asked looking around.

"You're at St. Mungo's." Wren replied, grabbing a hold of his hand. "Raven, you were in a coma for a month."

"What?" Raven gaped. "But I was just-" He felt like he just escaped from the graveyard seconds ago. Raven groaned as he tried to sit up.

"You shouldn't try to move, Raven." Wren said putting her hands on his chest, lowering him back down. "After taking six Cruciatus Curses, you're body's taken a toll."

"Seven." Raven said.

"What?" Wren questioned.

"I was hit by the Cruciatus Curse seven times." Raven replied. He probably figured his mum heard what happened from Harry, but no one but him knew what happened between when Harry escaped and when he did. "Voldemort used one more on me after Harry escaped."

Wren clenched her fists angrily. She luckily had never felt the effects of the Cruciatus Curse and hoped she never would, but her son suffered it more times than a person could handle. She never used the curse either, but she was damn near thinking about using it on those bastards that did this to her son.

Wren loosened her hands and clasped her left one back into Raven's. "Raven, what all do you remember?" She asked sitting back down.

"I-" Raven began, replaying what happened that night in the graveyard. "I remember everything; seeing Cedric die, Voldemort returning, the Cruciatus Curse, losing my arm."

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