Chapter 5: Reunions

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One afternoon, Raven and Wren were in their room, playing wizard's chess while listening to the Weird Sisters playing on the radio. Raven has been enjoying spending time with his mother this ongoing month. He wanted to spend as much time as he could with her before her inevitable fate.

Wren too was enjoying her time with her son. Ever since he'd gotten out of his coma, she'd been much happier and relaxed. She was terrified of losing him again, and she wanted to spend as much time with him as possible before this war did something to try and take him away from her again.

The two were very close, and always have been ever since Raven's birth. They would always be an important part of each other's lives', and they couldn't imagine a world without the other. Raven always appreciated what his mother did for him out of love, and always loved how affectionate and playful she was. Wren felt blessed to have Raven as her son, and no one else was able to bring such joy and love in her heart except for him and his father.

Raven and Wren were at the end of their game, and it was close. Raven made a move and on his next move, he'd be able to take his mum's king. With a smirk he waited for her to go.

"Nice try, Little Bird." Wren said, returning the smirk as she began to move her piece. "But you left your king open." She moved her knight and took his king, finishing the game; Raven opened his mouth in shock. "I win."

Raven groaned in defeat, leaning back against the bed. "I was so close." He said.

"You were, you're getting better." Wren said, then repaired the pieces. "Maybe next time you'll be able to beat me." She then got up and put the chess set away.

"It was fun though." Raven said standing up.

"Yeah, I enjoyed our little match." Wren agreed.

Later that day, Sirius had brought Harry down into the kitchen with him, Raven, and Wren. Harry thought for a second that something happened, but Sirius assured him that everything was fine.

"So, Harry." Sirius began. "You're at that age where you're gonna, you know, start taking interest in girls." Harry blushed a bit. "You'd normally talk to your parents about this, mainly your mother, but since they're not here, unfortunately," he added sadly, "as your godfather, just know that you can talk to me about it. And, If it helps to have a mother figure in the room," he gestured to Wren, "I was wondering if there's someone you currently fancy? Is there someone you have a romantic interest in?"

"No." Harry lied quickly.

"Bull-" Raven began but stopped himself, as he felt his mother's gaze, -logna."

"Nice save." Wren whispered.

"So there is someone." Sirius said.

Harry frowned at Raven. "You have a crush too, Raven."

"At least I'm honest about it, Harry." Raven retorted smugly; Harry began to feel embarrassed.

"Having a crush is nothing to be embarrassed about, Harry." Wren said softly.

"We've all been there." Sirius said. "We were your age once, and we had our fair share of crushes."

"Really? Even you?" Harry asked Sirius, surprised.

"I did." Sirius replied. "In fact, one of my first crushes was Wren here." He gestured to her.

"What? Really?" Raven questioned.

"Yep, third year." Wren said. "Sirius here was one of the few boys that confessed to me. It went absolutely no where though."

"Yeah," Sirius chuckled. "Your mother rejected me with a cold expression. I don't blame her, though. Looking back I wasn't the best boy to go out with. And it was around the time she became friends with your father."

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