Chapter 20: O.W.L.s

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Throughout the day, Raven wondered what his mother wanted to discuss with him. He hoped that everything was okay, but from the look on her face, even if she tried to hide it, he could tell it was serious.

Along with the other Ravenclaws, and his girlfriend, Raven partied in the Ravenclaw common room. There was a lot of dancing, music, and snogging from couples. Umbridge did try and attempt to enter the Ravenclaw common room to stop the party, but she couldn't figure out the riddle. She went as far as to get Professor Flitwick to open it for her, but he told her, with a gentle smirk, that even he was capable of solving such a riddle.

Around eleven-thirty, Raven exited his dorm and into the common room to wait for his mother. He was already dressed in his pajamas, and he brought his mother's journal to read before she got there, as well as bringing Uri, so she could see Wren too.

He took a seat on the couch, setting Uri down, and then observed his bandaged hand. He was going to have to make up a story to hide the true reason for the bandage so his mother wouldn't do anything rash.

Even if he did tell her the truth and warn her about what Umbridge said, he feared his mother would eventually give in and go after her. He knew how protective his mother was over him, and he wasn't going to let something like this be responsible for her downfall. He could wait it out.

Raven crossed his legs on the couch, opened the journal and read an early entry.

Raven and I had just returned home from a visit at the Weasley's, so Raven could play with the other kids. My five year old son was asleep in my arms and I tucked him in his bed for a nap, then went back downstairs.

Two things were on my mind as I sat on the couch, sipping some tea. The first things was what Molly had talked to me about. She had asked me if I was going to remarry, to which I told her I wasn't. My heart still remains with my husband, and I don't want to share it with someone else.

I picked up a photo of my husband, who was smiling like a dork on our wedding day. Seeing it made me chuckle. I know he'd want me to live and be happy, even though he's not here. But I won't let him go, no matter what. I can get by just as I am, and I'm doing my best to do so.

When it's my time to pass, I don't want to spend eternity in the afterlife with someone else. I want to spend it with my husband. Maybe in death we can stay together, whereas in life we were torn apart.

I'm also not worried about Raven not growing up without a father. Yes, I would have loved it if Qrow were still here to raise our son with me, but I can't bring him back. Raven, however, still has father figures in his godfather and his Uncle Ted. They love him and he loves the back.

The other thing on my mind today, is the fact that Scabbers, Percy's pet, bit Raven. After what Izanami told me a couple years ago, with Raven being able to connect to creatures, it left me confused as to why Scabbers bit him.

I know Raven loves animals, and he might have gotten a bit rough with Scabbers, given Raven's age he's still learning. But he's never had any problems with other animals he's interacted with. 

He's played with Izanami plenty of times and he's always gentle with her, and anytime there's other animals, he knows to be careful.

"I just don't know." I mumbled.

The next part of the entry Raven read, seemed a little more recent.

After learning the truth from hearing about Raven's misadventures at the end of his third year, I now know why it happened. Scabbers was actually Peter Pettigrew, who was still alive and is a traitor. He betrayed not only Qrow and I, but Lily and James, and many others in the Order, who are now dead.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 07 ⏰

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