Chapter 10: Making of a Plan

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Monday morning, Wren stepped from the Atrium, into the empty elevator in the Ministry. She pushed the button to Level Two: Department of Magical Law Enforcement. Before the doors could close, someone stopped them and stepped in.

You've got to be shitting me. Wren mentally grumbled, as Lucius Malfoy stepped in. Wren stepped back, putting her back against the end of the elevator, keeping her eyes on Lucius, getting her wand ready just in case.

"Ah, Mordecur." Lucius said, pressing a button to the first level. The doors closed and the elevator moved before Lucius continued. "Enjoy your late night gift?" He sneered.

Wren clenched her fists, then smirked. "Oh yeah," she said sarcastically, "why don't I send you the same gift in return?"

Lucius's face hardened. "Don't you dare touch Draco!" He growled.

"Then you stay the fuck away from my son!" Wren snapped. There was a ding and the elevator made it to the second level. Wren stepped forward, keeping an eye on Lucius. "If you touch a hair on my son's head," she added in a dark tone, stepping out of the elevator, "yours will be rolling on the floor."

The door closed again, and Wren glared at Lucius as he was carried to his destination. The threat on Draco was obviously a bluff. Wren wouldn't stoop to his level, even if Lucius' son was as vile as he was. He had just been raised by such an awful man.

"Aunty!" Wren's face softened, turning around and looking at Nymphadora, who was carrying a copy of the Daily Prophet. "Have you seen this?"

Wren took the copy from Nymphadora and began reading the article. She looked up at Nymphadora after finishing. "This is not good." She said.

Be careful, Little Bird. Wren thought.

Raven was reading the article in the Daily Prophet during breakfast that same morning. Professor Umbridge had become High Inquisitor at Hogwarts, and she would be inspecting the other teachers.

Harry had told Raven about Percy's letter, and his talk with Sirius. Raven never liked Percy, so it wasn't much of a surprise to him, and Raven agreed that Sirius shouldn't come to Hogsmeade.

"And here I thought things couldn't get any worse." Raven sighed, setting the copy of the Daily Prophet down.

Ron gave a small laugh.

"What?" Raven, Harry, Hermione questioned, looking at him.

"I can't wait for McGonagall's inspection." Ron said happily. "Umbridge won't know what's hit her."

The group headed to Binn's class, but Professor Umbridge wasn't inspecting his class today. She wasn't inspecting Potions today either. Snape handed back their moonstone essay, and Raven had been given an O, while Daphne, who was sat next to him, was given an E.

"Hey, you're getting pretty good at this." Raven whispered, nudging her.

"Thanks to you." Daphne smiled. "But always room for improvement."

After lunch, Raven, Harry, and Ron made it to Divination, to which Professor Umbridge was inspecting. She arrived just after everyone had sat down and were given their books from Professor Trelawney.

"Good afternoon, Professor Trelawney." Umbridge said. "You received my note, I trust? Giving the time and date of your inspection?"

Professor Trelawney nodded curtly and, looking very disgruntled turned her back on Umbridge and began the class. Umbridge took a seat, then took a clipboard from her bag.

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