Chapter 7: Departure

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"Wow, Mum, I had no idea." Raven said, completely surprised by his mother's past.

"The only other people who knew are gone." Wren sniffled, wiping her tears. Raven wrapped his arms around his mother from the side, and she happily held on to him.

"I didn't want to talk about it before, because of the painful memories." Wren continued. "I just wanted to forget the past and live in the present. I'm sorry."

"It's okay, Mum." Raven assured her. "Like you said, some things are hard to talk about. But, thank you for telling me."

Wren kissed his hand. "Do you think of me any differently, now that you know my past?" She asked.

"If anything, I love and respect you even more now." Raven replied. "Which I never thought was possible." Wren chuckled happily at his comment.

"Thank you, Little Bird, that makes me very happy." Wren said, turning to him. "I love you so much."

"I love you too, Mumma Bird." Raven smiled. "And nothing will ever change that."

Wren smiled warmly at him, then broke the hug. "So, do you have any questions?" She asked.

Raven thought for a second, then asked, "Do you ever regret leaving with Dad, instead of trying to mend things with your mother?"

"Absolutely not!" Wren immediately said, matter-of-factly. "If I did, that'd be an insult to your father's memory. Better to have loved and lost, than to never have loved at all.

"Remember this, Little Bird. If you love someone but their heart is somewhere else or with someone else, let them go. But if you love someone and their heart is with you, hold on to them, cherish and treasure them, never let them go. I loved your father, still do, so I chose my heart." Raven nodded taking in his mother's advice.

"And I made a vow the day I left the manor." Wren continued. "I vowed that if I ever had children, I'd never treat them the way my mother treated me. I'd give them lots of love, make them happy, laugh, make them feel safe, and I'd never abandon them. All children deserve parents, but not all parents deserve children."

"I'd say you've done really well with me." Raven said, gently bumping his shoulder into hers.

"You're the best mother a child could ask for, and if I'm reincarnated into another life, I'd like to have you as my mum again."

"Aww, Raven." Wren adored, bringing him into a hug. "I'll be you mum no matter the lifetime. No one else can have you." She broke the hug.

"So, I'm named after both my father and my aunt?" Raven asked.

"Yep." Wren replied with a smile. "Both of whom you unfortunately never got the chance to meet. I was going to name you Raven regardless of your gender. Though if you'd have been born a girl, you'd of had my name as your middle name instead of your fathers.

"And while I wish he was here with us, I'm thankful I survived that night. Had I died instead, or died with him, you wouldn't be here." She placed her hand on his cheek. "And I can't imagine a world without my Little Bird."

Raven smiled at his mother. "Granted I wasn't expecting to have you." His mother told him.

"Oh, was I a mistake?" He asked.

"No no no." Wren said shaking her hands. "Children are never a mistake, Little Bird. A surprise? Sometimes. But never a mistake, and most definitely a blessing." She added, ruffling his hair.

Wren's face then turned serious. "Now tell me, how were you planning on stopping Dolohov from killing me, if you weren't going to tell me?" She asked; Raven turned his head to look away. "Raven, look at me." She brought her hand to his chin and turned his head to look at her. "What was your plan?"

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