Chapter 4: Mother and Son

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Raven opened the door to his and his mother's room. He saw his mother sitting on her bed with her knees to her chest. She was resting the side of her head on them, looking outside the window. Uri was laying down underneath her legs, while Izanami was on the headboard behind her. Her boots were clattered on the floor, and her coat was laying on the end of the bed.Raven couldn't see her face, but he knew that she was likely still crying, if silently. He closed the door quietly and made his way over to her, picking up her boots and setting them neatly against the side of her bed.

"Mumma's sad." Uri said.

"I know." Raven said softly to his cat. "I'll talk to her."

Raven then sat on the bed next to her and rested his hand on her back, rubbing it. Wren turned to face her son, and he saw some lingering tears beneath her eyes. "Hey." Raven said smiling at her, before wiping her eyes.

"Hey." She said with a forced smile, before she lost it. "Sorry you had to see that-"

"No." Raven interrupted. "You have no reason to apologize."

"But-" Wren began, but Raven put his finger to her lips to stop her.

"You did nothing wrong. Mrs. Weasley was out of line by what she said." Raven said.

"True, she was." Wren agreed. "On multiple occasions tonight." She mumbled. "But that didn't mean I had to yell. I just-I'm very sensitive when it comes to you, so I get really emotional."

"It's because you deeply love and care for me." Raven said. "I understand, and I feel the same way about you, Mum. When someone talks bad about you, I get really angry at them. Or when I'm talking about you to my friends, I've been told my face lights up. I'm proud of you for standing up for yourself as a mother."

Wren's eyes widened. "You really mean that?" She asked.

"Of course I do." Raven replied with a warm smile. "Even now with all these tears and the sadness that you're feeling. You've told me on many occasions that it's okay to not be okay, and that crying it out helps. Everyone has moments when they feel down, even us."

"I guess I should practice what I preach instead of feeling sorry for myself." Wren chuckled.

"Yeah, maybe." Raven laughed softly, happy that he got his mother to laugh. Wren then looked down and began to pet Uri.

"Hey." Raven said softly, causing Wren to look back up at him. "Don't let anyone ever tell you you're doing bad as a mother, because as your son, I can tell you you're doing a wonderful job. You make me feel safe, you make me happy, you've raised me with so much love and laughter." He rested his hand on her cheek. "Mum, you were my first love, my first kiss, and you're my best friend. I wouldn't trade you for anything. You're irreplaceable, and I'm proud to be your son."

"Oh, Raven." Wren said breaking into happy tears and immediately embracing him. His words warmed her heart. She was his first love, while he was her last. He was also her best friend. They were each other's rocks.

"You're such a sweetheart." Wren said pulling away. "Thank you choosing me as your mother." She gave him a kiss on the cheek, then wiped her tears. "And you're right, I have nothing to be sorry for, though I should at least apologize for raising my voice. But Molly should apologize for what she said to me first."

"She said she will, so just wait for her." Raven stated.

Wren nodded then gave him a smile that was half happy half sad. "You're growing up so fast." She said.

"I don't mean to." Raven frowned. "But after everything that's happened, it's kinda hard not to."

"I know, Baby." Wren said softly. "But like I've said before, even though you're growing up, you'll always be my baby. I can still spoil you whenever I want."

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