Chapter 19: Ravenclaw vs Gryffindor

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Wren was too frozen in shock, staring at her dead owl in hear hands, to hear Nymphadora calling her name. Tears were pouring out of her unblinking eyes, and her lips began to tremble.

"I-Iz-" Wren choked, trying to say her owl's name. When she could finally speak, she cried and screamed, her tears falling on her owl's body. She cried her owl's name, cried 'NO!' and 'I'm sorry!'

And while she never felt the cold, she was shaking, feeling the chill of absence from her livelong friend. The only warmth present at the moment...was from her owls corpse.

She vaguely remembers being pulled to her feet and being guided out of the cemetery, clutching Izanami close to her heart. All of the Death Eaters unfortunately escaped.

She, along with Nymphadora and Moody, Apparated to Ted and Andromeda's house to get patched up. Nymphadora had gotten a few injuries from Bellatrix, and with Moody it was hard to tell, with his face already being covered in scars.

Wren sat on the couch, holding Izanami in one arm while holding an ice pack on the back of her head. "I'm sorry for endangering your daughter, Andy." She said to Andromeda, who was tending to Wren's forehead.

"It's alright, dear." Andromeda said softly, applying a bandage over the cut on Wren's forehead. 

"Dora's an Auror, just like you and Alastor. It's expected for her to face danger from time to time."

Andromeda then started cleaning Wren's leg wound. "You definitely shouldn't have been moving like you did with this kind of leg wound." She said.

"I couldn't really feel it because of the adrenaline, anyways." Wren said.

"Well, you're definitely going to feel it in the morning." Andromeda stated.

"Looking forward to it." Wren grumbled.

"Still, though, it would've been better to retreat rather than fight." Andromeda said.

"I had to fight." Wren said. "He's going to go after Raven, so I have to take him down. I have to lock him back up. It's my responsibility."

"You're not the only person who's lost someone to him." Andromeda said, applying dittany to Wren's leg.

"I'm-aware of that." Wren winced. "But he has a hateful grudge against me. He even said during our fight, that he's going to go after my son. I won't let harm come to him. Plus, if we'd captured at least one of them, we could've gotten them to confess that Voldemort is back."

She then looked back down to her owl, thinking maybe Andromeda was right. Had she just gathered everyone and they all escaped, would Izanami still be alive? Tears dropped from Wren's eyes once again. Izanami had been her companion since she was eleven years old. Fond memories of them together flooded her mind, causing Wren emotional pain.

"There you go, dear." Andromeda said, after re-applying a bandage to Wren's leg.

"Thank you, Andy." Wren said looking up, drying her tears.

"You're welcome, dear. Try not to walk on it too much, and take tomorrow off to heal." Andromeda said, then leaned over and kissed Wren's forehead. "I'm sorry about Izanami." She then went to check on Moody.

Remus came by a little later, telling them that the fire had been put out in the cemetery. No Muggles had been present to witness any of the action and Qrow's grave had been repaired.

"Thank you, Remus." Wren said.

Not long after that, Wren went home, accompanied by Moody. She made a small grave for Izanami in her back garden. She apologized again, but also thanked Izanami for saving her. "I'll cherish the life you've given me."

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