Chapter 14: Heart

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On the day before Raven had to return to Hogwarts, he was sitting on the couch, looking through the photo album his mother had gotten him for Christmas. He skimmed, going through early photos of his mother's childhood, her time at Hogwarts, and pictures with him as a baby, to more recent pictures of him a bit older, and one's during the Yule Ball with Daphne.

Raven then felt a pair of arms wrap around his neck from behind. "Going down memory lane, Little Bird?" His mother asked, resting her head on his shoulder.

"Yeah," Raven replied turning the page, "it's hard to believe some of these were taken many years ago."

"I hear ya." Wren said. "Sometimes it felt like yesterday when you were just a baby, and sometimes it feels like forever ago." Raven turned to a photo of his parents during their time at Hogwarts.

"I remember this day." Wren said, tapping her finger on the photo. It had her wearing a red jumper and Qrow wearing a blue one. "It was a Valentines date in our sixth year, and we wore each other's house colors for our jumpers."

Qrow was waiting at the entrance hall for his girlfriend Wren. Along with his blue jumper, he had on dark blue jeans and brown boots.

Wren appeared shortly after. With her oversized red jumper, which went down to her mid-thigh and the sleeves went half-way over her hands, she had on black leggings and black and white converse; Qrow couldn't keep his eyes off of her.

"Hey, handsome," Wren said softly, smiling, "how do I look?" She flapped her arms up.

"You look," Qrow said walking up to her and gently grabbing her face, "like I want to gobble you up." He whispered, then brought her into a deep kiss. Wren breathed in heavily, returning it.Once they broke apart, Wren wiped the side of her mouth with her sleeve. Qrow gave a small gasp. "Wiping my kisses, are we?"

"You slobbered on me a little." Wren chuckled, then Qrow went in for another big kiss. Wren, again, obliged, returning it. They broke the kiss and Qrow half expected Wren to wipe it again, just so he would go in for another, but she instead licked her lips clean and winked at him.

Qrow raised his eyebrows at her and smirked. "We might have to cut this date short." He teased.

Wren snorted. "C'mon you dork." She grabbed his hand and led him outside. The two walked hand in hand to Hogsmeade. It wasn't snowy outside, but the temperature was cool. Once they got there, they headed into Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop and they noticed a few other couples were in here as well.

Qrow and Wren took a two-seated table and sat across from each other. They ordered tea and some cakes to eat while talking. Once Wren finished her piece, she rested her foot on his lap.

Qrow looked to her foot then to her. She rested her chin on her hand, smiled at him and winked. Qrow then decided to give her some princess treatment and massage her leg.

"Thank you, my Love Bird." Wren smiled. "That feels nice."

"You deserve it, my Clever Bird." Qrow said returning the smile.

Seeing as they had more time on their date left, the two decided to grab a butterbeer at the Three Broomsticks and sit in there for the rest of the trip.

They took a seat next to each other and sipped their butterbeers. "Mmm, this is always satisfying to drink." Wren said.

"Agreed." Qrow said taking another sip. Once he set his half-full tankard down, Wren tapped her lap with her hands. Qrow smiled knowing what she meant, so he laid down resting his head on her lap and Wren began to caress his hair. If he was going to treat her like a queen, she was going to treat him like a king.

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