Chapter 8: Karen

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Raven awoke the next morning, feeling well rested from his trip here. He removed his glove sending a 'good morning' to his mum, who replied the same message within seconds. He then got dressed, keeping his new arm hidden from his roommates, fed Uri, then began heading out into the common room.

One of the first people who came up to him was Cho Chang, who wasn't surrounded by her group of friends, instead, she was alone. "Hey, Raven." She said. "Can I talk to you?"

"Sure, Cho." Raven said. They went to a less crowded spot in the common room.

"How was your summer?" Cho asked.

"Well I spent half of it in a coma, so..." Raven said. "But I doubt that's what you wanted to talk about so let's just cut to it. What's on your mind?" Cho could see that Raven had really changed. He used to wear a smile on his face, but now he just seemed devoid of emotion.

"I-I wanted to ask about Cedric." Cho said hesitantly. "What exactly happened to him, and what happened to you and Harry?"

"I won't talk about me or Harry." Raven replied. "But I'll just say Cedric past without any pain. He went in peace."

"I see." Cho said sadly, looking down. "Thanks."

Raven, feeling the end of the conversation, began walking away. "Raven." Cho began, stopping Raven in his tracks. "Have you talked someone about what happened? I can see it's eating away at you."

"I have." Raven replied without turning around. "I told my mother the whole story, but some things take time to heal, while others things, you learn to live with."

"You don't actually believe all of this stuff, do you, Cho?" A seventh year boy asked. Raven and Cho turned to him. "All this stuff Potter's saying." He held up the Daily Prophet. "You were there, Raven, you can shed some light on the truth."

"Harry speaks the truth, Kyle." Raven said coldly. "You weren't there, you have no idea what we went through."

"Care to enlighten me, then?" Kyle sneered.

"Since you don't believe what Harry's said, then I doubt you'd believe what I'd tell you." Raven scoffed. "I'd just be wasting my breath." He added sighing, walking toward the door.

How did someone like him get sorted into this house? Raven thought.

Before he could get to the door, Raven was stopped by a couple of girls running up to him.

This is going to get annoying real quick. Raven mentally complained.

"Hey, Raven." A girl by the name of Lisa Turpin said, walking up to him; her friend Mandy Brocklehurst along with her. "Want to head to breakfast together?"

"Sorry, I'm heading there with Luna." Raven replied pointing to Luna, who was waiting for Raven by the door . The girls frowned and gave jealous looks towards her, and Raven took this chance to slip by them and join Luna's side.

This is going to be a long year. Raven mentally sighed, as he and Luna left the Ravenclaw common room.

"Raven." Luna began, as the two made their way to the Great Hall. "Just so you know, my father and I believe Harry, so that in turn means we believe you as well."

"Thank you, Luna." Raven said smiling at her. "I appreciate that."

Raven and Luna made it to the Great Hall and sat down at the Ravenclaw table together. As they were eating their breakfast Roger Davies informed Raven that tryouts for the Ravenclaw Quidditch team would be taking place on Saturday at seven o'clock. Raven told him he'd be there.

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