Chapter 16: Valentine's Date

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The majority of the school was happy for the new couple that started dating. There was, however, one person who was not. Dolores Umbridge was very displeased by them, not only for their display of affection at dinner the other night, but also because she believed a Slytherin should not be hanging out, much less dating someone from another house.

She went as far as going out of her way to making sure the two weren't showing any public display of affection in the hallways. She'd either interrupt them, telling them to keep their hands to themselves, or even chase them when they ran, which resulted in her losing sight of them.

One place she had extreme power over them, was her classroom. Being the teacher, she made them sit away from each other from now on, instead of sitting next to each other like they had been. This made Raven and Daphne despise Umbridge even more.

Snape, while not happy about it, did not intervene between the two. He wouldn't separate the two in his class as long as they stay focused on their work, which hadn't been a problem.

Another reason he didn't interfere with them was because of Raven's mother. Snape didn't want to relive Wren hurting him again. He already faced her wrath when he called Lily a Mudblood. And he knew the pain would be far worse if he did anything to her son.

"Finally," Daphne sighed after she and Raven managed to lose Umbridge in the corridors, "some time for ourselves."

"No kidding." Raven agreed. "That old hag really has it out for us."

"Maybe she's just jealous that she never got to experience love at our age." Daphne scoffed.

"Wouldn't surprise me." Raven snorted. "I doubt anyone would want to be with someone like that."

"Since we're alone, now." Daphne whispered, tracing her finger on Raven's chest. She looked up to him with love in her eyes. "Want to-" She was cut off by Raven pulling her close and smashing his lips on hers.

"Yes, I do." Raven smirked after the kiss. Daphne let out a small laugh before the two headed to their next class.

For Raven's birthday, Daphne had baked him an Oreo ice cream cake, with the help of the house elves in the kitchen. Raven asked her how she knew that it was his favorite kind of cake, and she replied saying she wrote to his mother to ask him.

The two spent his birthday alone together. Raven's mother had sent him a bundle of sweets, along with a happy birthday card. Along with the cake, Daphne had gotten him some herbology books to help him catch up and study to pass his O.W.L.

"Is my girlfriend telling me I need to study more?" Raven teased smirking, after opening Daphne's gift.

"Maybe," Daphne said, placing a hand on her boyfriends shoulder, "she's just looking out for your future."

Raven gave a small chuckle. "Thank you for the gift. I'll be sure to use them well." He said.

"You're welcome." Daphne said smiling. The two shared a quick kiss before digging into the cake.

On Valentine's Day, Raven and Daphne were eating breakfast discussing where they would go on their date. "Have you ever been inside Madam Puddifoot's Tea Shop?" Daphne asked. "I hear it's a place for couples."

"I haven't, though my mum said she and my dad went there together often." Raven replied. "I guess we'll see it it's as good as she says."

"We could also visit the Shrieking Shack again, you know," her voice lowered, and her cheeks went pink, "for some alone time."

"Seeing as how we always got interrupted when we visited the Shrieking Shack, I'd love to try and break that curse." Raven said.

"Then we can just go where our feet take us." Daphne said.

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