Chapter 13: A Very Special Christmas

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December arrived and Raven, alongside Daphne, was in the kitchens making a red velvet cake for Astoria like he promised last year; Dobby was here helping them bake it again.

"She's going to love this." Daphne said as she finished decorating the cake.

"Alright, I'll take this to the Room of Requirement while you go get your sister." Raven said, carefully picking up the cake. They had to use the Room of Requirement, as it was too cold to go outside, and they doubt they'd be able to find an empty classroom without the risk of being spotted by Umbridge.

"Okay, see you in a bit." Daphne said as they made their way to the exit.

Raven made it to the Room of Requirement and set everything up while Daphne was getting her sister. He had set up the cake, with a number fourteen candle in the center, on a table, Happy Birthday balloons were floating around, and his and Daphne's presents were next to the cake.

Around five minutes later, Daphne arrived with her sister, who had her eyes covered by her sister's hands. She removed them, with her and Raven saying, "Surprise! Happy Birthday!"

Astoria's mouth and eyes were full of delighted shock. "You remembered?!" She said looking at Raven.

"Of course I did." Raven said. "Thought we'd surprise you this time."

"It certainly worked." Astoria giggled.

"C'mon," Daphne said, resting her hand on her sister's back, "blow out your candle and then you can open the presents we got for you."

Astoria's big smile remained as she quickly walked up to the table; Daphne went around it to stand next to Raven. Raven lit the candle with his wand, and Astoria thought of a wish before blowing out the candle; Raven and Daphne clapped once she did.

Daphne cut the cake, and gave everyone a piece on a plate. Astoria took a bite and rolled her eyes back in delight. "Mmm, this is so good!" She said, then took another bite, savoring it's flavor. She finished her first piece and got herself another, enjoying its sweetness.

Once they had their fill of cake, Astoria opened her presents. She opened the two she got from Daphne first, receiving a bracelet and matching necklace set, and a pair of new jumpers. Raven had gotten her a set of science fiction books, as she loved that genre.

Astoria thanked them both, appreciating the gifts and everything else they did for her birthday.

Raven arrived at the Room of Requirement with Luna for the last DA meeting before the holidays, and the room had been decorated for Christmas by Dobby. Once everyone had arrived, Harry spoke.

"OK, Raven and I thought this evening we should go over the things we've done so far, because it's the last meeting before the holidays and there's no point starting anything new right before a three-week break-"
"We're not doing anything new?" Zacharias Smith said. "If I'd know that, I wouldn't have come."

"We're all really sorry Harry and Raven didn't tell you, then." Fred said loudly, causing people to snicker.

"We can practice in pairs." Harry said. "We'll start with the Impediment Jinx, for ten minutes, then we can get out the cushions and try Stunning again."

The all divided up, Harry pairing with Neville again, while Raven walked around, checking how everyone was doing. He saw that they had all been improving very well, and when he walked by Daphne, she almost got hit by her sister's jinx, as she couldn't take her eyes off Raven.

After ten minutes, they set out the cushions and began to start practicing Stunning again.

"Remember," Raven began, speaking loud enough for everyone to hear, "remember why we're doing this. Think of your loved ones you want to protect. Let them be your drive to succeed. But also know that you can't protect them if you can't protect yourself. Don't let them feel the pain of losing you and having to live without you."

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