Chapter 15: Will

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Raven and Daphne inched their faces away from each other, only slightly, and opened their eyes. They smiled at each other, enjoying the sweet feeling of their first kiss. Daphne wanted more, though, so she removed her hands from his back and grabbed his face, bringing him into another.

She had been wanting to do this for so long. To kiss him, to love him, to call him hers. And now she could. He was her boyfriend now, and she was going to give him all of her love.

They broke apart, and stared lovingly into each others eyes for what felt like forever. Both felt warmth in their hearts, and overwhelming happiness now that they were officially a couple.

They stood there for a while, grinning and holding each others hands, swaying them back and forth, before Raven spoke. "That was quite the confession you gave me." He said.

"I spoke from my heart." Daphne stated. "It's yours now, has been yours for a while. Sorry for snapping at you, though." She added, frowning.

"Don't be." Raven said resting a hand on her cheek. "You opened my heart when I wanted to close it off. Thank you."

Daphne smiled. "I meant every word." She said softly, resting her hands on his cheeks. "And I want to prove my love to you through my actions, and my commitment." Daphne bit her lip, looking at his, then went in for another kiss.

"I don't think I will ever get enough of that." Daphne whispered.

"I'm yours now, so you can kiss me as much as you like." Raven whispered back.

They kissed again, and this time, Daphne slid her tongue across his lips, asking for entrance. Raven obliged, and the two French kissed for a few moments before breaking apart and looking embarrassed.

"That was...a little bold of me." Daphne said sheepishly, blushing.

"Maybe," Raven chuckled, blushing as well, "but I liked it." Daphne smiled at him, and couldn't stop smiling. Knowing that she was now dating him felt like a dream come true.

"Hey, um..." Daphne said, wanting to change the subject for a moment. She took Raven's hand and lead him to the bench. "About your vision." She added as they both sat down. "Does your mother know about it?"

"Yeah, she does." Raven replied. "I told her about it over the summer and we talked through it."

"What does she think?" Daphne asked.

"She tells me not to worry about it, that she's got it handled and she's being careful." Raven replied. "But," he sighed, "I can see they worry in her eyes. The fear that something will go wrong. I'm also worried, and even more now that Dolohov's escaped. The time of her death is nearing and I feel it's going to happen soon."

Daphne held his hands and began rubbing them; she gave him worried smile. "Do you have a plan to prevent it?" She asked.

"My initial plan was..." Raven replied, glancing down to the floor, "to kill him." Daphne's hands clenched in his, and he looked back at her, seeing an even more worried look on her face. "But my mum talked me out of it. She said that we're just going to subdue him and keep him from harming anyone." He smiled at her. "She didn't want me to become like him, so I can see a different way now."

Daphne smiled, feeling relieved that Raven wasn't taking such a dark path now. "That's good to hear." She said relieved. "And I'm here to support you through it, no matter what. So let me know if there's anything I can do to help."

"I think you already have." Raven said pulling her close and giving her a kiss. "So," He said after they separated, "how long have you had a crush on me?" He changed the subject back to them.

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