Chapter 9: Sickening Delivery

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After breakfast the next morning, Raven was making his way to Charms when he saw a first year Ravenclaw girl looking lost. He recognized her as Yvette Sweetleaf, who was sorted into Ravenclaw during their first night back. She had olive skin, light brown eyes, and long, curly dark brown hair. She was looking around different corridors, fidgeting her fingers and looking worried.

"You lost?" Raven asked, making the young girl jump. She turned around to see who spoke to her.

", yeah." She said timidly. She was a little worried about being face to face with Raven, as she had heard rumors about him and Harry throughout the school.

Raven walked up close to her, and she hugged herself, closing her eyes. He noticed her scared state, so he knelt down in front of her and spoke. "Hey, it's okay. I'm not going to hurt you."

Yvette opened her eyes and saw Raven smiling warmly at her. "You're Yvette Sweetleaf, right?" He asked. She nodded, confirming his question. "I'm Raven Mordecur, and like you, I also got lost a few times during my first year."

"You did?" Yvette asked.

"Yep." Raven replied. "Luckily I had other students who knew the castle better than I did to help me. So, would you like me to help you find your way to class?"

"Yes, please." Yvette said quietly.

"What class are you headed to?" Raven asked.

"History of Magic." Yvette replied.

"Alright." Raven said standing up, still smiling. "Follow me, I'll show you the way."Yvette silently followed Raven through the castle. He would occasionally pinpoint other classes or landmarks to remember.

"This is all new to me." Yvette said, feeling more comfortable with Raven's presence. She began walking next to him instead of behind him now. "Not just Hogwarts, but magic in general."

"Oh, yeah?" Raven said, raising his eyebrows. "Are you Muggle-born?"

"I am, both of my parents are doctors." Yvette replied. "They were really surprised when I got my Hogwarts letter, and I'm glad they didn't freak out and not let me come here. I've read some books before coming here, and I'm excited to learn more, though, I feel a little left out as I don't know much about this world as others."

"Well, it's only your second day, give it some time." Raven said. "I can't entirely relate, as I'm a Pure-blood, but I do have a close friend whose Muggle-born, and she's one of the best in our year."

"Really?" Yvette asked intrigued.

"Yeah, though my first impression of her was that she was a bit bossy." Raven snickered, causing Yvette to give a small laugh. "But she's a good friend and she found her place at Hogwarts, which I've no doubt you will as well." Yvette smiled up at Raven. "We're here." He added, as they arrived outside Professor Binn's class.

Yvette couldn't help but give Raven a quick hug. "Thank you, Raven." She said.

"You're welcome." He patted her back. "Now go, I've got my own class to get to." Yvette giggled, heading into History of Magic class.

Raven luckily managed to make it to Charms on time. They began revising the Summoning Charm. Professor Flitwick said it might be appearing in our O.W.L.

Professor McGonagall informed them even more firmly about their O.W.L. Saying they needed to study, work hard, and practice. She made them start Vanishing Spells on snails today.

Raven knew he was getting better in Transfiguration, but he was surprised he managed to cast the charm on the first try. "Well done, Mr. Mordecur." McGonagall said impressed. "Five points to Ravenclaw."

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