Chapter 2: New Beginnings

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Raven Apparated alongside his mother and Nymphadora to Little Whinging. Once his mother saw that they were in the clear, she deactivated the Disillusionment Charm on the three of them. Raven looked to where Harry's house was and saw a group of people just outside of it, some of them he recognized.

"Right on time." The voice of his godfather said, walking up to them and bringing Raven into a hug. "It's good to see you on your feet again."

"Hey, Moody, it's good to be back." Raven said as they separated.

"I think there's some people here that would be happy to see you." Moody gestured behind him. Raven saw the two people he recognized, Remus Lupin and Carlos Snowspear.

"Professor Lupin." Raven said extending his hand as Remus walked up first.

"Well, seeing as I'm not your professor anymore, you can just call me Remus." Remus said shaking Raven's hand. "It's good to see you've recovered, Raven."

"Thank you." Raven said smiling as he let go of Remus's hand.

"Eve and Jasper will be delighted to see you awake, Raven." Carlos said smiling as he shook Raven's hand. "I'm glad you're back."

"I'm looking forward to seeing them again." Raven said. "As well as all of my friends." Wren then introduced Raven to the other members of the Advance Guard; Kingsley Shacklebolt, who Raven had heard his mother speak about at times, Emmeline Vance, Elphias Doge, Dedalus Diggle, Hestia Jones, and Sturgis Podmore.

After the introductions, they all headed into Harry's home. Once inside, they noticed that it was dark and they couldn't see anything. "Why's it so bloody dark?" Nymphadora said.

"Well use your wand for a light, you dingdong." Raven stated.

"Don't call me a dingdong." Nymphadora hissed, pulling out her wand. "Lumos!" With light guiding their path, Nymphadora, Raven, Wren, Lupin and Moody made their way upstairs.

Nymphadora used her wand to undo the lock on Harry's door to his room. The lock clicked and the key on the other side fell to the floor. The door opened and a they saw Harry standing in the room with his wand pointed at them.

"Wotcher, Harry!" Nymphadora said.

"Tonks? Professor Moody?" Harry questioned.

"I don't know so much about 'Professor'," Moody said. "Never got round to much teaching did I? Now lower your wand, boy, before you take someone's eye out." Harry lowered his wand slightly.

"It's alright, Harry. We've come to take you away." Lupin said stepping forward.

"P-Professor Lupin?" Harry questioned. "Is that you?"

"Are you quite sure it's him, Lupin?" Moody growled. "It'd be a nice lookout if we bring back some Death Eater impersonating him. We ought to ask him something only the real Potter would know. Unless anyone brought any Veritaserum?"

"I got this one." Raven said as he and his mother walked into the hallway outside Harry's room.

"Raven?" Harry gaped at him. "Is that really you?" Harry's eyes immediately fell onto his arm, which he saw Raven now had one, and a black leather glove over his hand just like his mother.

"Yep." Raven replied. "And to prove it's you, what form does my Patronus take?"

"A wren, it's your mother." Harry replied pointing to Wren.

"We're good, it's him." Raven said to the others before walking into the room with his arms open. "It's good to see you, Harry." Raven embraced Harry into a hug.

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