Chapter 6: Wren

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June 17th 1967

"Oh, look at you my beautiful daughters!" A woman squealed, looking at her identical twin daughters. This beautiful woman had her black hair tied into a bun, her purple eyes were filled with love, and her skin was as porcelain as a doll. She wore an elegant red and black dress, and had ruby pendant earrings on. She was Aria Maribelle, the mother to Wren and Raven, who had inherited her looks. She simply adored her daughters.

They had no defining features that they inherited from their father, Alphonso Maribelle, who's last name was formerly Clockwork; he had married into the Maribelle name. He didn't mind that his daughters look like his wife. It made him happy to see his wife everyday in them. Alphonso Maribelle was a tall, tan skinned man with warm blue eyes, and short dark brown hair, that had a little grey in it.

Both Wren and Raven's hair was in a French braid, and they were dressed in matching blue dresses and white sandals, standing by the front door, ready to play outside. As twins, they always did everything together, whether that be dressing the same everyday, or doing to same activity.

"Alright, girls, now remember, no going to the nearby forest." Aria instructed. "Stay within in the grounds."

"Yes, Mother." The twins said.

Aria knelt down and embraced her daughters into a loving hug. "I love you both." She said.

"We love you too, Mother." The twins said.

Aria broke from the hug and looked at her daughters with a smile. "Go have fun." The twins smiled and ran to open the front door. "Call Veeley if you need anything." Aria called as they stepped out of the door; Veeley was the Maribelle house-elf.

"Yes, Mother!" The twins called back, shutting the door behind them.

Wren and Raven went outside onto the manor grounds and played for the majority of the afternoon. Just an hour before they were going to be called back in, Wren decided to lead her sister to the forest.

"C'mon, Raven, let's go into the forest." Wren suggested, holding her hand and using her other to point into the forest.

"But Mother said we can't." Raven stated.

"C'mon, aren't you curious as to what's in there?" Wren asked.

"Well, yeah, but, I don't want to get in trouble." Raven said. "Mother say's it's dangerous in there."

"We'll only go in for a little bit." Wren said. "We'll be back before she finds out."

"Okay..." Raven sighed, agreeing to follow her sister. "But if we get in trouble, this was your idea."

"We'll be fine." Wren said, as her and her sister began walking into the woods.

The twins journeyed into the forest, admiring all the nature around. They saw butterflies, small wildlife, trees taller than most buildings, and a river.

"See this isn't dangerous." Wren said with a twirl.

"Yeah, you're right, this is pretty nice." Raven concurred, having a butterfly land on her finger before flying off. "Do you think we should head back soon?" She asked, turning to her sister.

"Not yet, let's check what's over there." Wren said, pointing to a ravine and walking to the edge of it. Raven walked up next to her sister and looked down it with her. "Think we can make the jump across?"

"What?" Raven gasped. "No, it's too far."

"Relax." Wren said, beginning to walk backwards. "You've just got to get a running start." Wren bolted into a sprint, and Raven gasped as her sister jumped.

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