Chapter 11: Training in Session

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Daphne was still in a mild shock when she and her sister roamed around Hogsmeade. She took her sister to Honeydukes, Zonko's, Gladrags, and Scrivenshaft's Quill Shop, as Astoria needed some new quills. Daphne was still using the pen Raven gave her, so she didn't need any new quills. And the last place they went was the Three Broomsticks, as they had butterbeers and chatted.

Astoria had a good time with her sister, and Daphne was happy that she did. Daphne had shared some of her sweets with her sister from Hogsmeade visit's the two previous years, and now Astoria had her own to eat.

As Daphne sat down at the Slytherin table with Astoria, she looked to Raven, who was sat at the Ravenclaw table, talking with his Quidditch teammates and with Luna.

Just remembering what he said he went through made her both surprised and impressed that he was still alive. Anyone who could have gone through that would likely want to die, just so the pain would end. He said he wanted to at first, but the mention of his mother gave him the will to continue living.

She remember almost suffering from the Cruciatus Curse from her father, thinking it was going to be the most horrible feeling ever, while Raven suffered it seven times, along with other forms of pain.

Her father wasn't always like that, wasn't always bad, like she told Raven during one of their Hogsmeade visits in their third year. But once her father found out that she had been hanging out with Raven, he became violent.

She wasn't going to divulge this information to Raven, knowing that he'd likely blame himself for it and fearing that he'd start to distance himself from her, which would break her heart. So instead, she would keep quiet, staying by his side. He was worth it to her.

Word of Raven's new arm spread fast, as he noticed people giving me glances and stares at dinner. He had to avoid people as he made his way to his common room. It got to the point where he used a Disillusionment Charm and had Luna enter the common room when he did, just so get could sneak into his dorm.

But he could only avoid people for so long, because during breakfast the next morning, he attracted a crowd. A lot of people from each house began to come over to the Ravenclaw table, either standing around him or sitting close by, asking questions.

"Is it true you have a metal arm?"

"How did you lose your other arm?"

"Can we see it?"

"Does it hurt or do anything?"

"Look, everyone." Raven sighed. "I'm not some tourist exhibit, so-"

"What is going on here?" The voice belonging to Dolores Umbridge said, as she had just walked up to the crowd. Upon seeing her, the majority of the students disbanded and went back to their own houses tables.

Before Raven could answer, Draco Malfoy, who was standing nearby, spoke first. "Mordecur appears to have some new fancy arm that he's showing everybody, Professor." He said.

"New fancy arm?" Umbridge questioned. "What do you mean." She turned to Raven. "What does he mean, Mordecur?"

"No idea." Raven said.

"He's hiding it, Professor." Malfoy smirked.

Umbridge narrowed her eyes at Raven. "Show me!" She snapped, grabbing a hold of Raven's shoulder.

"Dolores." Umbridge's hand loosened on Raven's shoulder when Dumbledore spoke her name. She turned to see him standing near her and the small crowd. "Do not man handle my students." Umbridge let go.

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