Chapter 12: Hagrid Returns

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Friday afternoon, Wren knocked on a door, hearing a voice on the other side say, "come in." She opened the door, stepped in the office and closing the door behind her.

"You wanted to see me, Madam Bones?" Wren asked the Head of the Department of Magical Law Enforcement.

"Mordecur, I have something important to talk to you about." Amelia said. They always spoke formally when they were at work; Wren walked closer to Amelia's desk. Amelia looked seriously at Wren. "What I'm about to talked to you about stays between us. It'll be an off the books assignment I have for you. If Fudge finds out, it could mean the end of our careers."

"I understand." Wren said.

"Good, my sources have found where the graveyard, that you described from what your son and Harry Potter told you, is." Amelia said.

Wren's interest peaked. "We could get evidence that Voldemort's back." She said.

"Possibly." Amelia said. "Though, given how much time has past, we could come up empty handed. But, it's still worth investigating, if you're up for it?"

"I absolutely am." Wren said seriously.

"Good." Amelia said, then held out a piece of parchment; Wren took it. "This is the location. Head there only after your day is over. Leaving now would draw attention. If you want as well, bring someone along with you, someone you trust, just in case. Then report back to me, and only me, what you find, on Monday."

"Yes, Ma'am, thank you." Wren said, pocketing the piece of parchment.

"You're dismissed." Amelia said. Wren then left, heading back to her office. She informed Nymphadora Tonks about the situation, telling her to remain silent about it and to come over to her house after work.

After work, Nymphadora met up with Wren at her house, having a quick dinner together. Alastor Moody was on duty for the Order tonight, so he wasn't home.

Wren and Nymphadora then Apparated near the graveyard together. They took out their wands, staying alert and walking quietly to the gates.

"Homenum Revelio." Wren said, her wand pointed at the graveyard. "We're alone, but stay alert, they could have left traps or other means to harm us."

"Got it." Nymphadora said, and the two went in different directions. They both kept their wands at the ready, and occasionally took photos of nearby points of interest.

Wren and Nymphadora eventually met up where the gravestone of the Riddle family was. "Find anything?" Wren asked.

"No, nothing." Nymphadora said, then looked around where they were. "I think this is where it happened," she pointed to the gravestone behind Wren, "there's the gravestone Raven and Harry mentioned.

Wren turned around, looking at it. "There's probably something around here then." Wren walked to the center, then said, "Appare Vestigium!" She spun, a swirl of gold coming from her mouth, covered by her hands.

They immediately noticed a trace of a large area of magic. Walking toward it, Wren noticed that it was where Harry and Voldemort dueled, the trace of magic was Prior Incantatem. Wren had heard about this from Dumbledore when he visited Raven at St. Mungo's. She was shocked when he explained that Harry saw his parents. It made Wren think of engaging Prior Incantatum with Dolohov and seeing her husband's echo. She took a picture of it before looking around for anymore traces.

She walked to the only other trace that was left behind. It showed a silhouette of a person on the ground. It was constantly stuttering and fading in and out. Wren's heart dropped when she figured out what it was. It was Raven, her son, being tortured by the Cruciatus Curse.

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