Chapter 3: The Order

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After the meeting, Wren called for Snape so she could talk to him privately. Snape reluctantly followed her into a vacant room. Wren shut the door behind them as Snape entered.

"Make it quick, Mordecur, I have better things to do." Snape drawled.

"Trust me, I'd rather not be in the same room as you." Wren retorted coldly. "I just wanted to make something clear with you. I know Dumbledore's already told you, but," her voice went dark, "if you ever hurt my son in any way, whether there's evidence or not, I'll hurt you ten times worse. Are we clear?"

"Crystal." Snape said icily.

"Good, then we're done here." Wren said opening the door. Before she walked out she said, "Dumbledore may trust you, but I don't." Snape glared at Wren as she left.

Snape despised Wren because he felt she took Lily away from him. Once they became friends, Lily hung out with her more than she did with him. Her son looked like her husband, and Snape never held anything against Qrow. In fact he was grateful Wren and Qrow started dating, as it meant Wren would spend more time with Qrow than with Lily.

Snape had hoped that Raven would be more like his father, but he proved to be exactly like his mother. He had her temper, her wit, and Raven felt the same way about Snape as his mother did. Raven knew that Snape was a former Death Eater and held it against him, just like his mother.

He hoped to Merlin that Wren never found out it was him who to Voldemort about the Prophecy that got Lily and James killed. If she ever found out, he knew there'd be hell to pay. Even more so if she found out that he didn't care if James or Harry died, as long as Lily lived.


As soon as Raven and Wren left their room, they heard a woman screaming. Raven looked at his mother confused, and said, "Who let a banshee in here?"

Wren snorted with laughter. "It's the portrait of Sirius's mother." She said.

Raven and Wren looked downstairs and saw Remus and Sirius tugging the curtains to get Sirius's mother to stop yelling. Once they succeeded, Nymphadora was apologizing, saying she tripped over the umbrella stand.

"Dora, you're such a klutz!" Raven called from upstairs.

Everyone looked up and some gasped when they saw Raven. "Shush it, Short-stuff!" Nymphadora said back, narrowing her eyes at Raven. "I'm still taller than you!"

"Not right now you're not, cause I have the high ground." Raven retorted, causing Nymphadora to stick her tongue out at him, before turning and making her way to the kitchen.

There was then a crack next to Raven and his mother. They looked the their left and saw that Fred and George Apparated next to them.

"Raven, how are you?" Fred asked.

"Right smacking good to see you." George said.

"Hello, Fred, George." Raven nodded. "I see you two learned to Apparate."

"Word is you've also learned how, too." Fred said.

"Is it true you used it to escape from You-Know-Who?" George asked.

"It is, though I feel like I just got lucky." Raven replied. "I don't know if I could do it again, just like that." Raven snapped his fingers.

"Move." Someone said pushing past Fred and George. Ginny squeezed her way through her two brothers and brought Raven into a tight hug. "It's good to see you." She sobbed.

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