Chapter One: Training and Daycare

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PS: Some lines will be recited from Dragon Ball Super: Superhero

At Piccolo's Place

Next to the pond, Piccolo was watching Pan jump from boulders to trees to strengthen her attacks. As she built up enough, she dashed towards Piccolo. He dodged the first attack but was caught off guard by her next attack. He was shocked and reacted to her attack, which flung her towards a boulder. She said, "Owie." Piccolo asked Pan, "Are you okay?" Pan said happily, "Yeah, I'm fine." Piccolo said, "Alright, let's stop for today." As both sat down on some rocks, Pan took out two bottles of water. Pan handed on to Piccolo and said, "Here." As she smiled, Piccolo grinned at her and accepted the water. As they drank their water, Piccolo says, "You're getting better than Gohan...I mean your dad was about as strong as you at this age." Pan finished her water and asked, "So, will we work on the Ki blasts later on as you promised?"

Piccolo said, "We sure should, now that you have gotten control over your flying." Pan jumped up in happiness. As they were talking, Piccolo sensed Gohan's Ki and thought, "Speaking of Gohan." Pan looked up and saw Gohan. Pan says, "Papa!" As he landed, Pan ran to him and jumped up to hug him. Gohan embraced his daughter and asked her, "How was training today? Did you and Piccolo have fun?" Pan said, "Mm-hm, Piccolo says when I come back from Preschool, we are going to work on Ki blasts like Uncle Goten." Gohan says, "That's good, so why don't you head to preschool?" Pan said, "Okay! Bye Papa, Bye Piccolo, see you after preschool!" As she ran towards town, Gohan and Piccolo waved her off. Piccolo asked Gohan, "So, what are you doing here? I thought you had work to do?" Gohan laughed and started to scratch the back of his head in nervousness. Piccolo noticed Gohan's nervousness and asked, "What is it?" Gohan says, "Well, I wanted to get back into training before I have to get back to work." Piccolo was shocked smirked and said, "Oh really? So, you decide to pick up the slack, huh?"

Gohan says, "Of course! After that battle with the Gammas and Cell Max, I need to stay ready for any threat, but I may not have time to train like I used to when I was a kid. Oh, and before we start this, I was wondering if after it possible you can pick up Pan from Preschool, I kinda have a meeting in five to six hours from now." Gohan laughs nervously. Piccolo growls and thinks, "I knew there'd be a catch to it." Gohan hears the growl and says, "Hey, this helps you too." Piccolo questions him and says, "What do you mean?" Gohan nudges him and wiggles his eyebrows, saying, "Videl tells me everything, especially about how you've got a certain crush on Pan's teacher." Piccolo blushes and shouts at Gohan, "That's ridiculous! Videl and you have such child-like imaginations." Gohan says, "Oh, come on, Piccolo. You can't fool me after the Halloween party thing, I know 100% you've got a certain feeling about Mrs. Janet."

Piccolo thinks about how Videl and Pan first introduced him to Janet. Pan said, "If you know him better, I'm sure you'll want to marry him." Piccolo thinks, "If anyone makes her say things like that, I fear what is said in their home." Then, as we leave, Videl and her speculations about a human being being attracted to me are ludicrous!" But Piccolo ponders his mind about it. He is reminded about what was said and occurred on Halloween night.


"In the booth, the photographer says, "That's a wonderful picture. Now, could you do one more where it looks like you are about to bite her wrist?" Janet blushes and then is shocked by Piccolo's action and does the pose. The photographer said, "Perfect! You two make a beautiful couple." Both stare at each other, shocked, and then look away from each other." After the flashback ends, Piccolo starts feeling warm all over. He blushes and growls. Unknown to Piccolo, Gohan keeps calling his name, "Piccolo? Piccolo!" Piccolo shook himself and said, "You and your wife are foolish. Besides, what makes you think she feels the same?"

Gohan says, "Huh, you make a good point. How about this, if I win three sparring fights out of 5, you have to ask Janet how she feels about you and if she agrees she likes you, you have to take her on a date. If I lose, I will leave you alone on the subject, indefinitely. Deal?" Piccolo smirks then shakes Gohan's hand and says, "You'll regret that deal." Gohan says, 'We'll see."

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