Chapter 17: Divine Intervention

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Sunday Morning

Janet woke up and walked downstairs. As she got downstairs, she sniffed in the air, which smelled like pancakes. Walking into the kitchen, she saw her sister prepare their plates.  As Janet sat down, Anya said, "Good morning, Jay." Janet said, "Hey." Anya was nervous after hearing her sister's response. Anya laughed and said, "So, how did you sleep last night?" Janet said, "Good." As Janet ate her pancake, Anya groaned and said, "Sis, come on! I know I hurt that guy, but can you blame me? He is that guy who was behind our parents' death." Janet stayed silent. Anya says, "Jay! He's a monster." Janet stood up, put her plate in the sink, and was about to leave the room. Anya shouted, "What do you see in that monster?!" Janet stopped at the doorway and turned around. She stomped back into the kitchen and sat at the table. Janet said, "You wanna talk? You want to know what I see in him? Then, please take a seat!" Janet says as they sit at the table, "First off, you will not call him a monster. Second, if you think about interrupting me anytime I speak, I will leave you with nonsense. You got that, big sis?" Anya sighs and says, "Fine." Janet says, "You're right; Piccolo does look just like King Piccolo. Only because that is his father, but Piccolo is not like him in any way possible. The day you called me, I had just gone on a date with a man, and he was so kind. He talked to me about himself and even went out of his way to try to treat me like a woman. Then, days after, he saved me from an invasion of Androids and told me everything about himself and why he is here." 

Anya listened and then chuckled. She sighs and says, "So, what you're telling me is you went on a date with the man who was responsible for our parents' death, son. And, not to mention that he put you and a class full of little children in danger fighting some evil robots. But, before that, he explained to you that he loved you and was a part of that monster, King Piccolo. Did I miss anything, little sis?" Janet groaned and said, "You missed one thing." Anya said, "And what is that?" Janet says, "Why the hell did I think you would understand? After Mom and Dad's death, you became the cold-hearted witch you are today. So, do me a favor if you're in my house: shut up and don't say a word to me." Anya said, "Well, what do you expect me to say? Gosh, sis! he is such a great guy; let's just forget that his dad invertedly killed our parents." Janet sighs and says, "You see him as the monster in my life, but you are the monster in my life. If Mom and Dad were here, I'm sure they would be disappointed in you because all you see in Piccolo is your selfish vengeance. This conversation was useless; you'll never change." Anya says, "How dare you bring Mom and Dad into this? After everything we did for you." Janet shouted and said, "Well, how you take your ass back where you came from! Please don't call, text me, or even come back to this house because I don't anything from a person who holds death over my head all my life because she wants to live through me because she won't live her own life! I'm no longer a kid, so you don't have to care for me. Since I was such a burden." Janet's eyes watered up, and she ran outside of her house. As she slammed the door, Anya reached out, and she fell to the floor. Janet sat in front of her door and decided to walk out toward the field of flowers behind her house. Janet sighs and says, "Why did I think she would change?" A voice says, "Because you love her and want her to accept Piccolo. And you want to be a happy family, and nothing is wrong with that." 

Janet was a little scared because she heard a voice when she swore she was by herself in the flower field. Janet looked around and said, "Who's there? Whoever you are, I'm not giving up without a fight." The voice says, "Well, I'm not here for a fight but I am here to talk to you. But let me introduce myself." He then appeared in front of her, she saw him and thought, "He looks just like Piccolo, just shorter." The young man says, "You're right, most Namekian men look like each other." Janet looked at him and thought, "Did he just read my mind? No way." The young man said, "Yes, I can read minds. All Namekians can, we can also hear everything in the universe." Janet was shocked and then realized what he said. Janet thought, "Then, I wonder... has Piccolo known what I feel about him in both a loving way and a sexual way?" The young man blushed and said, "I'm pretty sure he didn't pry that deep. We only read minds if we need to relay important information." Janet realized the boy had seen what she just thought and said, "I'm so sorry." As they got that out of the way, the young man said, "Sorry for dropping in so suddenly, but my name is Dende and I am the Guardian of Earth and a good friend of Piccolo." Janet thought, "Dende? I've heard that name before from Piccolo. Wait a minute! He's the... She says, "So, you're the real Guardian of Earth? So, what do I earn the pleasure of having the Guardian of Earth see me?" Dende says, "You don't have to be like that, you can call me Dende. Also, I am here to talk to you about piccolo and more Namekian culture, if you still want to know more about it?" Janet says, "Of course I do, but... I am sure you heard from Piccolo what happened between him and my sister. I'm sure you've got negative emotions towards us, I don't blame you." Dende grabbed Janet's hand and said, "I have nothing against you; because you tried your hardest. Besides, Piccolo loves you and you love him. That's all I need to know to know you are a good person, Janet." Janet smiles. Dende says, "So, should we talk in your home?" Janet says, "No, it does feel like a home right now. Besides, I don't want you near the beast who hurt Piccolo." Dende asked, "Well, if you don't mind we could go to the lookout, if you want." Janet said, "I was waiting for you to say that. However, can you leave a note for my sister? I just don't want her to think someone stole me." Dende said, "Sure." He used his abilities to conjure some paper and a magic pen. Janet asked, "Why a magic Pen?" Dende says, "Because it makes look important and because it is just a pen that Mr. Popo wanted me to try out." Janet giggled and thought, "He's just like Piccolo, but much kinder." As she held Dende's hand, they vanished.

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