Chapter 19: Piccolo's One-Year Training! Janet and Videl's Adventures

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The Day After Gohan and Piccolo Left

Janet gets a call from Videl, Janet picks up and says, "Hey, Videl. How are you and what's wrong?" Videl says, "Nothing, I'm guessing you already miss him, huh?" Janet says, "I just... I didn't want to feel like that, because I know he is coming back." Videl says, "I know, me and Gohan have been married for years and I'm still not used to it. So, I called you to ask if you mind coming over?" Janet says, "No, I don't mind." 

An hour later

Janet was sitting on the couch next to Videl, sipping some tea. Videl says, "So, Janet are you sure you are happy for Piccolo?" Janet takes a sip and says, "Yes, completely. It's just... I worry for his well-being and want him to become the strongest warrior he wants to be. So, even if I am sad, I want the best for him." Videl says, "Same here. Gohan has gotten so absorbed in his job, that he never really has time for training or downtime. But you will feel like that, but not alone." Pan comes running into the living room and jumps onto Janet's lap. Pan says, "Hi, Miss Janet. Can we play together? Please?!" Janet smiles and says, "Sure." As they leave the house, Videl says, "Well, since Piccolo's gone for a year, we girls and ladies plan to make this the most eventful year. You in?" Janet says, "Sure." In the first year, Janet and the ladies would plan an annual dinner to talk about their other halves and would travel to exotic places. But even though, she was enjoying herself, she still couldn't get her mind off Piccolo.


On Beerus's Planet, Piccolo, Goku, and Vegeta were having a three-on-two fight against Whis and Beerus. Whis said, "Hmm, Well this does seem very fun but I think this could be better." Whis uses his staff to knock everyone back. Piccolo grunted. Whis said, "Well, you all are getting better, but Piccolo I want you to try to attack me in your orange form. With this train, it helps strengthen your base form." Piccolo said, "Right." As he started to spar with Whis, Piccolo got so into the fighting, that he started to reminisce on his training days. He started to jab left and right, dodging every attack Whis threw at him, until Whis said, "Well, your fighting is admirable but something is blocking you." Piccolo grunts and says, "Nothing is blocking me. I came here to train and become stronger!! So, what could be in my way besides the lack of training?" Whis says, "How rude! You sure are brazen, maybe it's because of your lady friend?" Piccolo got irked and shouted, "She has nothing to do with this!!! I came here to get my training so that I can be strong enough to protect the earth!!" Beerus says, "Well then, if it's not because of that perhaps you can take a hit from me." Beerus shoots a giant purple beam towards Piccolo, he blocks it but is struggling to push it back. As he tries, he pictures Janet saying, "Don't worry about me, I'll be fine. Just do your best." Piccolo shouts and pushes it away. 

Piccolo breathes heavily and he says, "There! Is that good enough?!" Beerus smirks and says, "Yes. Whis! Come! We need to finish off those beignets." Whis says sing-songy, "Coming!, My lord." As they left, Goku said, "Hey Piccolo, don't worry. If your girlfriend is hanging with Chi-Chi, then she's fine and probably be able to cook big home-cooked meals when you come back." Piccolo scoffs and flies off. As he flies off, he finds a waterfall and sits underneath it. As the cold water hits his back, he enters into a trance-like state. When he does, he sees Janet back on earth, and she sitting in his house listening to love music. His ears perk up when he hears the song, "Sent from heaven, I wanna be the one who you believe in your heart is sent from, sent from heaven." Piccolo wanted to say something but he knew she would say, "Piccolo, I'll be fine. I want you to get strong and come back to me." After that, Piccolo snapped out of his trance and shouted. As he powered up, he started to train with himself and practiced his hand-to-hand combat. He thought, "No matter how long it takes or how hard the training is..... I will go back to her as the strong Namekian she wants me to be."

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