Chapter 8: Piccolo's Past, Janet's Decision

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Piccolo looks back at Janet's face, filled with sadness. She says, "How? There's no way! You're not like that. You're kind, sweet, and compassionate, and you saved those people. You're lying!" Piccolo goes up to her and holds her close to him. He says, "It's true, but not in the way you think." Janet says, "What do you mean?" Piccolo sighs and says, "Remember how you said you don't see me as a violent alien?" Piccolo continued and said, "Well, I wasn't. Not at first." Janet asks, "Piccolo, before you start, I need to know one thing. What are you and how are you able to do the things you do?"

Piccolo says, "If I show you, will you believe me?" Janet says, "Yes." As Piccolo tells Janet to close her eyes, she does it. As he puts his hand on the top of her head. As he did, he showed the memories of King Piccolo destroying a city and then how he moved to West City. During that time, King Piccolo was declaring his rule over the world, announcing Piccolo Day. Once she saw that, her memory and Piccolo's memory intertwined. As they both saw, two criminals ran towards Janet's family and started to open fire on them and how Janet's older sister was covered in blood, holding her baby sister in her arms. As they saw the memory, Janet started to cry silently. As the memories proceeded, she saw how Piccolo came to be, how he fought a young man named Goku and his friends at the World Martial Arts Tournament and how his life was spared As they connect over the memories, Piccolo thinks, "I wonder what she will think of me. Maybe seeing this will make her scared of me." As he opens his eyes to see her, he takes his other hand and rubs against her face. Until he feels tears roll down her face.

He reattracted his hand from her face in sadness. He whispers to himself, "I must be a fool to think she will want anything to do with me after what I have shown her. It will be for the best to just leave after this. Besides, I'm not..... normal." As the memories go on in Janet's head, she sees the memory of Piccolo helping Goku and his friends, training Gohan, fighting powerful enemies, Savin Gohan's life, Planet Namek and his people........ up to the present memories of him training, fighting the androids, taking care of Pan, and how he truly feels about Janet. Once he removed his hand from her head, Piccolo said, "It's okay to open your eyes now." Janet opens her eyes and says, "Piccolo, I don't believe it." Piccolo says, "I told you there is a lot with me. If I had known my father was responsible for the death of your family, I wouldn't have.... I think I just need to leave." As he tried to walk away, Janet ran towards him and hugged him from the back.

As she did, everything just got quiet. She says, "Don't go. You said you would leave depending on my decision." Piccolo says, "Yes. So, what is your decision?" Janet stays quiet. Piccolo says, "If you don't want me, I will understand. I am from that monster, and I still bare his face. Janet, when I first met you, I was astounded by your kindness. And I just wanted that same kindness and companionship in my life." Janet hugs him tightly and rubs her face in his back. Janet says, muffled, "Would it be so horrible to want to stay with you?" Piccolo was shocked about what she said.

As he turned to face her, they separated from their hug. Janet kept her head down and said, "Even though you showed me who you were in the past, you also showed me how you changed. And how you kept becoming this amazingly, kind, strong, dependable person. When you showed me the memories of how you changed, it all sums up to love, and if that's the case.... then.....what.... what would stop me from loving you?" She looks up at him, in tears. She continues while she cries, "When I saw the happy memories you had and continued to have with your friends, I just couldn't help but cry because....... you were so happy, and you felt like you belonged. Witnessing that, I felt like I was floating, and all I could imagine was how wonderful that would be if I could give you that same feeling. Because I kept thinking.... how can an average human like me give you that same happiness?" As she wipes her eyes, she says, "If anything, what could I offer to you...... Piccolo cuts her off by hugging her close to his chest.

He tilted her face up to his face and said, "Everything. You mean and have way more much to offer to me. You made one fear I have struggled with vanish." Janet asks, "What fear?" Piccolo brings his mouth closer to hers and says, "Loneliness." As he looks into her eyes, she pulls his face closer to hers and kisses him on the lips. His eyes stretched, but he softened into the kiss and kissed her back. Janet thinks, "No matter what, I will stay with him. I never want him to experience loneliness again." As they separated from the kiss, Piccolo says, "You did the same thing to me when I saved you. What is that?" Janet says, "It's a kiss. To show you that it is my promise to stay with you forever and never to let you be lonely ever again. Why? Was it weird? We don't have to do that if you don't want to." Piccolo says, "No, I like it. Do it again, please." Janet smiles and kisses him again. Piccolo and Janet kiss passionately.

Meanwhile, at the Lookout

Bulma says, "Well, that was a mess. If it weren't for Piccolo and Gohan, we wouldn't have an earth. Speaking of which, where is Piccolo?" Gohan sits at the edge of the lookout. Gohan thinks, "I hope they are making up." Videl walks out to where Gohan is and says, "Are you waiting for him?" Gohan sighs and says, "Yeah. I just didn't know if him and Janet were going to stay too after what she just went through." Videl sits next to Gohan and says, "If it doesn't work, maybe it wasn't supposed to happen. But if it does, then it will happen, honey. Have faith, Gohan." As Gohan continues to look away, Pan smiles and runs up to him and hugs him. He smiles and hugs back.

Meanwhile, at Janet's House

As Piccolo and Janet fall asleep on her couch. With Janet's head lies on Piccolo's lap, he awakens to see her sleeping. He smiles and picks her up. As he carries her upstairs to her room, he gently puts her in the bed. As he puts his white cloak back on, he starts walking to the door. But he stops, and he goes next to Janet and kisses her on her forehead. He whispers and says, "I'll be back in three days. Wait for me." As he walks out of the house, he flies away from the house and heads back to the lookout. As  he gets to the lookout, Gohan  runs up to him and asks, "So, what happened?" Piccolo put his hand on Gohan's shoulder and smiled. He says, "Let's go." As he walks from Gohan, Gohan says quietly, "Yes!" As he catches up to Piccolo, they discuss their plans for any other android attacks that might happen.

As they did, Goku and Vegeta decided to leave since they wanted to train more. As they left, Bulma says, "Figures, once they get done helping and eating, they would leave." Goten and Trunks came to the lookout and said, "Hey guys, what happened?" Bulma says, "Well, Capsule Corp is repaired and still getting worked on after the androids attacked." Goten and Trunks were shocked. Chichi says, "Well, it is not your problem anyway, Goten. Besides, you have your studies to tend to." Bulma says, "That goes for you too, Trunks." Both Goten and Trunks groaned. As that happened, Bulma sees Gohan and Piccolo talking. Bulma thinks, "Maybe I can figure out if there's something going on with Janet and Piccolo. Just have to get a little closer." As Bulma tries to make her way to them, a person stops her. A voice says, "Bulma, don't you think you shouldn't be eavesdropping on a private conversation." The person in question was Dende.

As Dende walks up to Bulma, Bulma says, "It's not what it looks like, I was just checking on them." Dende looks at Bulma with disapproval. Dende says, "You know, Bulma, if you want to know, you could always Gohan or Piccolo." Bulma sighs and says, "As if. Gohan will just act shy and never tell me. And Piccolo...... I might as well be talking to Vegeta." As she gives up and walks away, Dende decides to listen in. He is shocked but happy for Piccolo. As everyone started to leave the lookout, Dende waved everyone off and said to Piccolo, "So, you and Pan's teacher, huh, Piccolo?"  Piccolo felt a twitch. He says, "What about it?" As Piccolo started to walk towards the edge of the lookout, about to fly away. Dende says, "Wait! I wasn't trying to make fun. I just wanted to know when you will bring her to meet your friends?" Piccolo huffs and says, "Probably never." Dende says, "Well, Bulma almost found out if I hadn't caught her spying on you." Piccolo rolls his eyes and says, "Of course." Piccolo sighs and says, "The only reason why I want to keep this a secret for a while is because I'm not sure I should stay with her." As Piccolo sits down, Dende sits by him and asks, "How come?" Piccolo says, "Because of the danger I encounter on a daily basis and how my past ties into hers. I just.... don't want to be a burden on her life."

Dende says, "I see. But have you ever considered how she actually feels about you as a warrior? I mean, you did share your memories with her, didn't you?" Piccolo sighs and says, "Yes." Dende says while he stands, "Well, that should answer your question if her words won't. Don't worry if someone snoops around to find out, I will handle it." Piccolo says, "Thanks." As he flies away, Dende thinks, "Piccolo has a girlfriend. I have to tell Mr. Popo!" As Dende ran towards the chambers to talk to Mr. Popo.

See you next time


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