Chapter 15: Janet's Sister Visits

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Before I start this chapter, there will be some cruel language and there will be a lot of sadness.

Two Days before Anya's visit, At Janet's House

Janet was pacing up and down her living room, while Piccolo watched her. Piccolo asked, "Honey, why don't you talk to me about it? Before you lose your mind." Janet sighed and sat down next to Piccolo. She says, "I just worry, my sister is not the easy person to get to know or even to be around." Piccolo grabs Janet's chin to make her look up at him and says, "Then, tell me so that we can tackle this together." Janet sighs and says, "Well, to start she is very controlling. When I told her I was going to move to West City, she decided to use our parents' death as a control mechanism to keep me with her. It would always make me sick how she would hold our parents' death over my head. Not to mention, when I go out or even if I think about travel, she fills my head with fear of the world. Saying stuff like; If I go somewhere else, I might be kidnapped, going overseas might make you sick and you come back with an incurable disease." Janet growled and said, "That's why I can't even imagine how she will react to us. I just hate this, I love you and I don't want anyone to get in the way of that." Piccolo hugs her and says, "I know, don't worry I will be right here for you. No matter what."

If only that were true...... but you know how it goes, what goes up... must come down.

On the Day of the visit

As Janet was taking care of lunch in the house, she was still a bit worried about Piccolo. She sighed, slapped her face, and said, "Snap out of it!! As Piccolo said, we can do this. Good thing he is coming during dinner, sometimes I can't help but think how fun it is to have strength like that." As she said that, she heard a knock at the door, she said, "That must be her." As she got to the door, she breathed in and out and said to herself, "I can do this." As she opened the door, Anya said, "HEY!!!! Baby sis. I am so happy to see you!!!" 

(Ladies and Gentlemen, Janet's oldest sister: Anastasia AKA Anya) 

Anya came in and hugged her sister. Anya says, "It is so good to see you, how are you and how have you been?" Janet says, "How about we sit and have lunch, then we talk." Anya sniffed in the air and said, "Yeah because whatever you have cooked, smells amazing." As they were eating, Anya asked, "So, how have you been?" Janet says, "Pretty good, being a teacher of little kids is so fun. Some of these kids can fly, now I don't know about you but that's so cool to see." Anya was shocked and asked, "Flying? Like you mean the kids fly?" Janet giggles and says, "Yes, I know it sounds crazy but it's true." Anya starts to look around and sees a picture with a man and a girl in it with Janet in the middle. Anya walked up to the picture as her sister was talking. Anya cuts Janet off and says, "You must have a fun time, I see that your students draw pictures of you but who this in this drawing?" Janet turns around and sees the picture that Anya saw. Janet says as she walks over, "Oh! That was drawn by my sweetest student, Pan. Her grandfather is Hercule Satan, pretty cool, right?" Anya scoffs and says, "It's okay, I think he mostly is a dragging buffoon. But I was more focused on the person on the other side of  the photo, next to you." Janet started sweating bullets and said, "Oh, that. Well, that is just a person who takes care of Pan, as an uncle." Anya says, "Hmm, I just thought I've seen him before." Janet says, "Maybe it's just one of those faces, anyways, come back over here and let's talk more. Anya said, "Alright, I'm coming." As Anya was listening to her sister go on and on about teaching, she kept thinking about the picture and thought, "There is something sketchy going on or maybe my sister is hiding something. Matter of a fact... she hasn't mentioned anything about the mysterious man she's been dating." As Janet was talking, Anya said, "That's nice, baby sister. But before you continue, you mentioned a man you've been dating on the phone once, so where is he? And you haven't said a word about him today." 

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