Chapter 16: Distance

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That Friday evening

Videl watched Janet stare out the living room window, gazing into the sky. Videl sighs and says, "Oh Janet, I can't imagine how you feel." Thursday night, Videl got a call from Janet. Videl said, "Hello, it's Videl."Janet choked up, "Hey, Videl. Do you think I can stay with you for a day? It's about Piccolo. Is that okay?" Videl could hear the brokenness in her voice; she said, "Sure. Just let me know when you get here." Janet said, "Sure. And thanks." Around 5:30, Janet arrived at the house. When she did, Videl opened the door, only to see Janet with a hood on her head. Videl ushered her into the kitchen, and they sat at the table. Janet says, "Sorry for calling out of nowhere. I just... Videl cut her off and asked, "I don't care that you called me out of nowhere. I was more concerned about that than you calling. So what's wrong?" Janet asked, "Well, before I start, is Gohan or Pan around?" Videl said, "No, she and Gohan are training." Janet thought, "Pan must be a fighter too. But, she's so young." Janet tells Videl about the situation with her sister and Piccolo. Videl was horrified by the situation, while Janet was more angry than scared. Videl said, "Why would she do such a thing? Even if Piccolo was the reason why you lost your parents, she had no right to hurt him like that!" Janet scoffed and said, "I just can't stand her! She always finds a way to ruin a good thing for me and then wants to discuss it. Not only that, Piccolo wants me to forgive her. How can I? She hurt the person that I love and cherish, and now... he's gone." 

After the flashback, 

Videl walks up to Janet, offering her a cup of tea. Janet says, "Thank you, Videl. Are you sure it's okay for me to be here?" Videl says, "Janet, you can stay here as long as you like. Besides, Pan enjoys having you here. But can you tell me more about the situation while we talk?" Janet sighed and said, "My sister, Anya, came to visit, and everything got out of hand. Ugh!! Piccolo is the best thing that has ever happened to me; all she can do is... Ugh!!!" Janet says, "It's just that I know she's still terrified of what happened to our parents, but seeing me happy would get her mind off that. Maybe I'm going about this wrong. It's not like I gave her hints, but she should trust me to make good decisions, right?" Videl sighed and rubbed Janet's back. Gohan and Pan walked in, and Pan ran up to her mother and Janet. Once she saw that Janet was sad, Pan asked, "Miss Janet, are you okay?" Gohan stood at the entrance of the living room. Janet said, "Yes, sweetheart. I'm fine, I just... Videl cuts Janet off and says, "Pan, can you and your dad go and check on Piccolo?" Gohan says, "Yeah, Pan. Let's do that; maybe Piccolo might want another toy." Pan looks back at Miss Janet, hugs her, and says, "I hope you feel better." Janet hugs her and says, "You can see right through me, can't you, Pan? Alright, sweetheart, I will." As they leave, Gohan says, "Janet, I'm so sorry. But, I want you to know something I know about Piccolo that no one else knows: how he looks at you. He has never looked at someone like that in his whole life. He loves you and promised you he would be there for you. He wants you and your sister to be okay, so let him be, and he will return when the time is right." Once they leave, Videl says, "Tell me about your relationship with your sister."

At Piccolo's home

As Piccolo meditated, he kept falling in and out of his trance. Piccolo growled and started to walk around on the mountain. He kept thinking about Janet and how she must be feeling. He sighs and says, "Damn it! I can't take this. I don't know whether to be upset or depressed. Ugh!!" He decided to charge up his Special Beam Cannon and shoot it at the mountain, reducing it to rubble. Piccolo breathed out hard and said, "Is this how love is? and if it is, why is it so confusing and frustrating?" Gohan says, "Usually, it is. But, in your case, it might be worse." Piccolo turns around and sees Gohan and Pan. Piccolo asks, "What are you two doing here?" Gohan tells Pan, "How about you train a little in those boulders?" Pan smiles and says, "Okay!" As she flew off, Gohan turned to Piccolo and walked to the mountain's edge. Gohan sighs and says, "Piccolo, we need to talk." Piccolo looks at Gohan, confused.  Gohan sits on the mountain's edge and pats the space next to him; Piccolo walks over and sits. Gohan sighs and says, "Janet came to our house. She wanted to get away from her sister. I heard a little of what's happening, so how about you give me the whole story, and maybe we can tackle this." 

Back at Gohan and Videl's place

Janet says, "Where should I start? Well, while we were growing up. Anya took it upon herself to raise me, and I am so grateful, but it seemed more like she became my mom, not my sister." Janet says, "After our parents died, she made it her mission to take care of me, so for a while, we stayed in West City. My sister asked our family members to let her work for a while. Because she decided that when she turned 16, we would leave and live somewhere for a while." Videl asked, "How did your family feel?" Janet says, "They felt torn. They told her they would care for us, but my sister decided she was done with West City and wanted to protect me. In her way, protection was to get me away from the city. So, they let her go to school, and after that, she got a job in Gingertown. At the same time, it makes us live in the countryside of Gingertown. It was a good life until I got old enough to go to school, and then she got worse." Videl asked, "Worse, how?" Janet says, "Was your father overprotective of your friends?" Videl says, "No, not really. Why do you ask?" Janet says, "Imagine if he was and not just your friends but also your life choices." Janet said, "I couldn't slip up once. If I did, I would have to hear the story of our parents and everyone's sacrifice. It was so frustrating." Videl said, "Wow!" Janet chuckles and says, "That isn't even the half of it. When I was 16, I met this charming guy and would go on secret dates with him. Now, in my mind, I knew it was weird, but I wanted to do something fun. But he ended up dumping me at a party with adult-like men. When my sister found out, she was livid. We argued that whole night and grounded me for four months. I mean... I understood that moment, but she could have tried to comfort me first." Janet stood up and walked over to the window, watching the rain fall. Janet started to sniff and said, "I know she was just upset because something bad could have happened, but I didn't want her to be my mother. I needed her to be my big sister." Janet broke down and started sobbing. Videl walked over to Janet and rubbed her back. Janet began to cry on Videl's shoulder, saying, "I just feel like I'm a disappointment to her." As Janet called, Videl sighed and thought, "Piccolo was right to give her this space. I'm sorry, Janet. You and your sister must talk before you can do anything with Piccolo."

Meanwhile... At Piccolo's place

Gohan asked Piccolo, "So, what made you want to leave, and what happened to have a band-aid on your face?" Piccolo explained the situation and the band-aid; Gohan was horrified. Gohan said, "So, what are you going to do? I know you want this relationship to work but don't want to get between family mess." Piccolo says, "I will give her space and figure out the right time to return. Besides, right now is the best time, and I also have to ask your father something since he's back." Gohan asked, "What are you going to ask him? Please, nothing about relationship advice!" Piccolo scoffed and said, "Don't be a fool. I asked your father if Whis and Beerus could do some training. I need to master my full Namekian abilities and my Orange Piccolo power." Gohan was shocked and said, "Wow! Why are you going this far?" Piccolo says, "Because I have something even more precious I want to protect." Gohan smiles and says, "Well, I can agree with you; I will probably do the same." As they return to the house, Gohan asks, "How do you think Janet will react? And do you think her sister will accept you?" Piccolo sighs and says, "I don't know." Gohan and Pan returned home; Janet packed her stuff and said goodbye once they got there. After that, Janet drove back to her home.

At Janet's Home

Anya was sitting on the couch, chewing on Twizzlers and beef jerky. She felt horrible but also conflicted about the situation. She was talking out aloud to herself, "I don't understand. I mean, I know I'm right about this." She gets up from the couch and starts to walk around. Anya says, "Piccolo, I know that's the name of that dictator who forced those people to do that. So, even if it wasn't him, initially, he was still involved in their deaths. I understand she sees his kind side, but I know I'm not wrong." As she walked into the house, she passed a picture of her and Piccolo in the park. She grabbed that picture off the wall and said, "That's the park where our parents died. She never wanted to go there; like every time we would walk past it, she would flinch. So, how can she be so happy in this picture?" As Anya looked at the picture, her sister said, "I'm home." Once Anya heard her, she put the picture back. As Janet walked up her stairs, Anya said, "Hey, sis! I'm glad you are back. So, I guess that means you're not that mad anymore." Janet says, "I'm still upset. but you're right; I'm not that mad anymore because I'm more tired than angry." Anya asked, "Well if it's not too much to ask... would you like to talk more in the morning?" Janet remembered Videl saying, "You and her need to talk if you want to clear the air." Janet sighs and says, "Fine." Anya says, "Okay, good night, sis." Janet said solemnly, "Night."

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